
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Get all the rubber rings on your bargepole

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is found on a narrowboat in a canal next to the Frogmore Paper Mill. The brief for the task is as follows:

Get all the rubber rings on your bargepole.

You may not touch the bargepole or rubber rings at any point.

You have a maximum of half an hour.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • When the contestants arrive, Alex is standing next to the narrowboat wearing the sailor's hat with the word 'Ahoy' written on it, which John Kearns had brought in as a prize submission for the 'The thing you'd most like to have on a car journey' task in series 14.
  • The contestants find an identical hat on the narrowboat, which they are instructed to put on.
  • On the front of the narrowboat the contestants are driving, there is a long pole, angled upwards.
  • Along the length of the canal, five watermelon-themed rubber rings are suspended on wires from the overhanging trees.

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Jenny does not go easy on the throttle during her attempt, which leads to her crashing the barge into the sides of the canal several times. She collects the first ring pretty quickly, but misses the second, and then drives the barge through some trees. She also misses the next ring a couple of times. With just one minute left on the clock, she goes heavy on the throttle again, but misses the ring she is aiming for, and cruises at high speed into the edge of the canal, doing nothing to prevent it, but warning Alex instead to "Brace! Brace! Brace!". In the studio, Alex confirms that she only managed to collect one ring during the allotted time of 30 minutes. She therefore earns joint fourth place, along with Frankie.
  • Frankie misses the first ring, and states that he'll come back for it later. He thinks he is perfectly lined up with one of the next two rings, but somehow ends up veering off into a tree on the bank. He backs up a little, but then somehow misses both rings again, and carries onwards. He also misses the next ring, and states that he'll "get them all on the way back". He eventually manages to capture one ring during the 30 minutes allotted for the task. He therefore earns joint fourth place, along with Jenny.
  • Kiell is gentle with the throttle during his attempt. He misses the first ring on his first attempt, but backs up and has another try, and is successful. He then easily collects a second ring, but leaves the other one next to it behind, apparently assuming that there are more than five rings for him to choose from, along the course. He captures a third ring, but from some reason thinks it's his fourth. He then captures a fourth ring, and thinks that he's done. With seven minutes left, he reverses back down the canal towards the ring he had passed by, reaching it with just four minutes left on the clock. He smoothly collects it on his pole, completing the task in 26 minutes and 30 seconds. This earns him third place in the task.
  • Ivo fairly quickly captures the first ring. He is very excited about the whole experience and, on his way towards the second ring, gleefully exclaims "I'm on a boat!". He captures the second ring, and reverses a little before successfully capturing the third. With each successful capture, he seems to get more and more excited. He easily collects the fourth, and is closing in on the fifth at around the five minute mark, but misses it on his first attempt. Disaster then strikes, when his tiller breaks off, leaving him unable to steer. After emergency repairs are completed, he successfully captures the final ring, before losing his hat, and then managing to lodge the barge sideways between one bank of the canal and the other. In the studio, it is decided that the time during which the repairs were happening should not be counted in Ivo's total time, so he ends up with a final time of 7 minutes and 41 seconds, and earns second place.
  • Mae appears to be very much enjoying piloting the boat, stating that they feel "so alive". They calmly collect the first two rubber rings in just two minutes, and then the third. After collecting the fourth, they state that it was a "Piece of piss" (which they later admit in the studio that they have never once uttered before). They close in on the fifth around the five minute mark, but miss it on their first attempt. Mae backs up a little, and successfully collects the final ring on their second, very slow, attempt. In the studio, Alex reveals that Mae completed the task in 7 minutes and 7 seconds, securing first place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)