
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Throw your items into your bucket

A ball, a brick, a book, a plastic succulent planter shaped like a baby's head, and a toilet brush.
Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Throw your items into your bucket.

You must select one item when Alex blows his whistle.

You must then throw that item when Alex blows his whistle again.

If your bucket falls, you're disqualified.

You must stay on your spot, and you must not move your spot.

Most items in a standing bucket wins.
The cast of Taskmaster UK series 15 standing on the studio stage. Ahead of each of them is a wooden beam with a bucket balanced on the top. On a bar table next to each of the contestants, we see a ball, a book, a toilet brush a plastic baby's head, and a brick.

Task notes

  • The contestants are lined up side-by-side on stage, each standing next to a table upon which there are: a shiny silver ball; a foam brick; a hardback book; a toilet brush; and a baby doll head with a plastic succulent attached to it (note: these things are referred to as 'ball', 'brick', 'book', 'brush', and 'baby' during the task, for the sake of alliteration.
  • In front of each contestant is a post (the height of which is set according to the contestant's own height), on top of which is balanced a plastic planter.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • In the first round, Frankie selects the baby head, but misses his bucket. In the second round, he selects the brick, and again misses his bucket. In the third round, he selects the ball, and misses the bucket once again. In the fourth round, he selects the book, and misses yet again. In the fifth and final round, Frankie throws the brush, and misses his bucket once more. However, since everyone but Jenny had been disqualified, and Jenny had (intentionally) missed her bucket, and neither of them had managed to land any of their objects on target, they get to share the win, and earn five points each.
  • In the first round, Ivo selects the baby head, and successfully throws it into his bucket. In the second round, he selects the book, but fails to get it into his bucket. In the third round, he selects the brush, and successfully lands it in his bucket. In the fourth round, he selects the ball. At this point, he has decided that Kiell needs to be eliminated, so he throws the ball at Kiell's bucket, knocking it off of the post. However, Kiell had not yet thrown his own ball, and reacts immediately, knocking Ivo's bucket off its perch in revenge. Ivo is therefore disqualified from the task, and earns zero points.
  • In the first round, Jenny selects the brick, but misses her bucket. In the second round, she selects the baby head, and again misses her bucket. In the third round, she selects the ball, and misses the bucket once again. In the fourth round, she selects the brush, and misses yet again. In the fifth and final round, Jenny intentionally misses the bucket with her book, ensuring that she will at least remain in the game. Since everyone but Jenny and Frank have been disqualified, and Frankie also misses, and neither of them have any objects in their bucket, they share the win, and earn five points each.
  • In the first round, Kiell selects the book, but misses his bucket. In the second round, he selects the brick, and successfully throws it into his bucket. In the third round, he selects the baby head, and again gets it into his bucket. In the fourth round, he selects the ball and is about to throw it when Ivo's ball sails across and knocks Kiell's bucket off its platform. Kiell retaliates immediately, knocking Ivo's own bucket off its perch before he even registers what has happened. However, Kiell is disqualified from the task, thanks to Ivo's sabotage, and thus earns zero points.
  • In the first round, Mae selects the book, but misses their bucket. In the second round, they select the brick, and again miss their bucket. In the third round, they select the baby head, and miss the bucket once again. In the fourth round, they select the ball, but manage to topple their own bucket with it, while Kiell and Ivo are waging war on one another. Mae is therefore disqualified from the task, and earns zero points.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)