
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Something that didn't turn out as planned

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Bring in something that didn't turn out as planned.

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Karin brings in a stack of storage boxes full of baby clothes and toys, which she says she has acquired over the past 14 years from her sisters, who have kept assuming that she'll be having a baby "any day now". She says she is not having a baby, and she's fine with that, but the baby clothes have taken over her basement storage space, and so now her apartment is full of the equipment that should be in the basement. She earns three points, along with everyone else but Lars, since Bård wants to keep the mood festive, for the final.
  • Before Lars can present his prize submission, Hani interjects to express her surprise that it's not the outfit he is wearing to the studio that day (he'd had to explain at the start of the episode that he'd been to visit a stylist, who had given him a very distinctive look that he had not anticipated). His actual prize submission is a photo of the cabin he'd just bought, so that he'd have a quiet retreat to visit, only to find out shortly afterwards that it was right in the middle of an area where the local municipality was planning to build an additional 350 homes. Bård awards him first place.
  • Vidar brings in an electronic, voice-activated box, much like the one he'd brought in previously for the 'Something that makes Bård exclaim "Oi, oi, oi, you big alpaca!"' task. However, he says that this particular box didn't turn out as planned, as it had become an "angry, difficult and irrational" box, which doesn't want to open. He asks Olli to speak to the box, to ask it to open, and the box refuses, saying "It's never going to happen", and laughing at him, before slamming its own lid shut again. He earns three points, along with everyone else but Lars, since Bård wants to keep the mood festive, for the final.
  • Leo starts off by explaining that nothing goes to plan for him. He says he goes "all-in" on various projects, and then never finishes anything. As an example of this trend in his life, he brings in a painting of a basketball match which he has never finished, but which hangs in his bathroom. He claims that by sharing this he has "really opened up" and shown his "vulnerable side" on the show. However, Bård points out that it's actually one of the least messed up things Leo has shared on the show so far. He earns three points, along with everyone else but Lars, since Bård wants to keep the mood festive, for the final.
  • Hani brings in Lars' square sunglasses from the 'The most impressive home-made square' prize task, earlier in the season, which she believes was one of the worst weakest prize task submissions. She points out that the item has five faces, and not four, but Lars again argues that it has five squares, and that each of these squares also features additional squares in the form of lottery scratch cards. She earns three points, along with everyone else but Lars, since Bård wants to keep the mood festive, for the final. [Note: it seems odd that Hani would pick this, of all of Lars' prize task submissions, when she could have picked his hilariously bad attempts at the 'Something that makes Bård exclaim "Oi, oi, oi, you big alpaca!"' or "Something you can threaten with, that is not a weapon" tasks.]

(Source credit: Karl Craven)