
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Look as little as possible

Task types:
Single brief
Novel task brief format?

Task brief

The (over-sized) task brief is found laid on the desk in the study. The brief for the task is as follows:

Look as little as possible.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The wording of the task brief is slightly ambiguous. 'Se minst mulig ut' can be interpreted in two ways, depending on the emphasis placed on the word 'ut' ['out']: either 'Look as small as possible', or 'Look out as little as possible'. However, the task is mainly judged based on which contestant appears to be the smallest.
  • There is some similarity with the 'Make yourselves appear as large or small as possible' task, but the ambiguity of this task, and the fact that it doesn't involve also trying to appear large, mean that it is categorised as original here.

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Karin initially interprets the task to mean that she should look out as little as possible, and so closes her eyes and bows her head, telling Olli that she is "looking inwards". After a while, she decides it's sufficient to just keep her eyes closed (presumably because her neck is getting tired), and then she decides to stand up and cover her eyes with her hands. After some back and forth with Olli, where he places the emphasis on the word 'out' differently, she re-reads the task brief, and registers the alternative meaning of the phrase. She correctly predicts that Leo would probably have interpreted the task in the same way she did. Deciding that she's going to do a 'combination' solution to the task, she heads down to the end of the driveway with Olli, looking down at the ground all the way, and is then filmed crouching down next to Olli in the far distance, from the house. In the studio, Bård points out that Karin doesn't really look small in her final photo, as much as she just looks very far away, since she'd taken Olli to the end of the drive with her, rather that using Hani's trick of leaving him in the foreground. She ends up in fourth place.
  • Leo interprets the task to mean that he should look out as little as possible, and so keeps his eyes focused solely on the task brief, on the desk, for the full 20 minutes. He feels like he has solved the task well, but as the only person not to register the intended meaning of the task, he ends up in last place.
  • Lars' solution to the task incorporates both possible meanings of the brief, as he starts off just closing his eyes, and then suggests that the cameraman zooms out in order to make him appear smaller. He then adds a third layer to his solution, by kneeling on the desk, and asking Olli to insert his feet between his legs from behind, to create the illusion that Lars has very short legs. Bård seems to enjoy his solution, and awards him third place.
  • Hani only interprets the task brief to say that she should appear as small as possible and, recalling that the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini used to always stand closer to the camera, in photos, to make himself appear larger, decides to implement a trick of perspective to make herself appear smaller. Olli stands at the top end of the driveway and holds out his hand to his side, and Hani stands much further back on the driveway, in a position that makes it appear as if she is standing on his hand. While Olli waves at the mini-Hani on his hand, she shakes her fists at him and says "Fuck you, Olli!". In the studio, she points out that the over-sized task brief should have been a clue for everyone about the actual goal of the task. Bård awards her first place for actually making herself appear the smallest.
  • Vidar only interprets the task brief to say that he should appear as small as possible, and sets about sawing the head off of a plastic monkey. When he confirms what he is doing to Olli ("I'm sawing a monkey."), he thus coins the episode title. Having decapitated the toy, he then pokes his head through a hole in a black sheet, and positions it so it's on top of the monkey's body (using a couple of books as a platform). He manipulates the monkey's arms through the sheet, while shouting "I am strong! I am stronger than you! Size is nothing." and then singing "I won over Olli! I jumped on his head." In the studio, Bård suggests that Vidar could make a whole show out of his new monkey character, and awards him second place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)