
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Fake something

Task types:
Single brief
Novel task brief format?

Task brief

The task brief is found on the table in the living room. The brief for the task is as follows:

Fake something.

Best fake wins.

You have twenty minutes.

Ready steady go.

Task notes

  • The brief itself is designed to appear like a badly-made fake, with the paper, wax seal, font used, and even some of the wording, all being a little bit off.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Jenny doesn't do any thinking or preparation, and instead immediately starts dramatically faking having a heart attack, eventually falling off her chair and lying on the floor. After she asks whether she can "do another one", Alex shares with her that she still has 18 minutes and 40 seconds remaining. She then pretends to bash herself in the face with the door, using tomato ketchup to imitate the blood from a nose bleed. After her fake nose bleed has passed, Alex offers her some chocolate, and she responds that she doesn't like chocolate, but she does like "cheese and cash". Greg decides to award her joint fourth place, along with Kiell.
  • Kiell sources a couple of ginger cakes from somewhere, and proceeds to break and mush them up, then reform them into a sort of hand shape. He then asks Alex to bring him an egg, so that he can use the shell to create fingernails on the hand. As he cracks the egg into an eggcup, he says his mum won't like him doing this, as he's "messing up the people's house". He then hides his right arm inside his boilersuit and positions the ginger cake hand at the end of the empty sleeve, in front of him. Greg decides to award him joint fourth place, along with Jenny.
  • Ivo leaves the living room, and then pokes his head back around the door, while holding a toilet roll, and asks whether Alex is a "fan of the ancient Egyptians". He's then heard making struggling noises outside the door, before announcing to Alex "welcome to ancient Egypt", as what appears to be Ivo dressed as a toilet paper mummy enters the room, and sits down. Alex attempts to engage Ivo's mummy in conversation for a while, but it is unresponsive. After Alex blows the whistle, Ivo's head pops around the door, revealing that it's actually not him wrapped up in the toilet roll after all. Alex seems genuinely suprised by Ivo's trick, and Greg awards him joint second place, along with Mae.
  • Mae's fake attempt is presented as a paranormal TV show called 'Crossing to the Other Side with Mae Martin'. On their show, which is filmed in the lab, they appear as a medium, and attempt to contact the 'other side' for their guest, Alex Horne. They start off by saying that they're "getting an older male figure" who they think is a teacher. After Alex acknowledges that he did, in fact, have teachers, Mae suggests that it was someone he travelled with. After Alex says that he'd been on a school trip with a Mr Arnold, Mae says that they're "getting the name Adrian", which Alex (looking genuinely surprised) then admits was Mr Arnold's first name. After suggesting that Alex send Mr Arnold an email, Mae then switches subject, stating that they are hearing "animal noises". They ask if there is significance to a pair of rhyming names, such as "Tim and Jim", or "Dot and Scott". Alex responds that, yes, he used to have cats called Horace and Boris, who passed a long time ago. Mae tells Alex that Horace, in particular, is very frustrated with Alex (which really catches him off-guard), and is telling them something about George Clooney. Alex can't think of what relevance George Clooney might have, but then Mae says that they're "getting Fantastic Mr Fox" (a 2009 animated film in which George Clooney starred). Alex acknowledges that he has seen that, and also used to have a toy fox. Mae suggests that Horace's frustration with Alex is related to the toy fox, which Alex interprets to be something about him loving the fox more than his cat. Finishing up their session, Mae shares that they're just "trying to be a vessel" and give him "the tools" that he needs, "moving forward, to live in a more authentic way" (Alex doesn't seem to know how to respond to this, and just laughs). Mae then asks him for £60, but accepts just £40, for their services. In the studio, Alex admits that he was genuinely freaked out by Mae's psychic performance, and Mae admits that they'd just rung his wife for information. Alex adds that his wife had also rung his mum to gather more information for Mae. Mae also notes that they've kept in touch with his wife ever since. Greg decides to award Mae joint second place, along with Ivo.
  • Frankie's attempt takes the form of footage of the River Thames, with melancholy music playing over it. Footage is then shown of a handwritten letter, laid upon a pile of clothes, with Frankie's glasses on top. Frankie's voice is heard reading the letter, which goes as follows: "In a sense, no-one is to blame for this. In another, realer, sense, the British security services and the creative team behind the Antiques Roadshow are to blame. Farewell, Frankie." A small lifeboat is then seen passing Frankie's abandoned belongings on the river, before Frankie himself, wearing just his underpants and shoes, is seen climbing up the opposite bank, and running away. Greg decides to award Frankie first place for his faked suicide.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)