
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Blindly reach and press the red button

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The actual text of the task brief is not known. The text below is paraphrased based on information disclosed in the episode:

While wearing your blindfold and headphones, reach the end of the obstacle course and press the red button.

Your time starts when you hear the airhorn for the first time.

Whenever you hear the airhorn again, the beam will rotate.

Task notes

  • The contestants are all seated together on the left-hand side of the stage.
  • On the right-hand side of the stage, there is a plinth with a red button on top of it.
  • Between the contestants and the plinth, there are a number of obstacles, including several long-handles garden tools (a couple of rakes, a hoe, a garden fork), a couple of wooden saw horses, a couple of skateboards, a couple of child’s vehicles, a kettle bell, a paint tin, a child’s rocking horse, a bowling ball, and an owl lamp.
  • There is also something granular scattered on the floor in an arc around where the contestants are seated (perhaps cornflakes?), and something else metallic-looking (possible toy cars?) scattered across a red velvet cloth laid next to the plinth.
  • Amongst all of this stuff littering the stage, there is a large beam at chest/head height, apparently surrounded with cardboard covered in gold paper. The beam is mounted on a stand which is concealed behind a red velvet cloth.
  • After demonstrating to the contestants what happens when the noise sounds (the golden beam quickly rotates around its pivot point), Olli instructs the contestants to don their blindfolds and headphones. He then tells them to wait, while some photos are taken. What actually happens instead, is that the stage crew appear and remove all of the obstacles from the stage (except the cornflakes), leaving the contestants a clear path across to the plinth. As this occurs, it becomes apparent that the beam was being rotated by a member of the production team who was concealed behind the red cloth around the stand on which it was pivoting.
  • Some lightweight stanchion barriers are left along the parts of the edge of the stage where there is more than a few inches of drop, as a safety measure for the blind contestants.

Task stats



It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!