
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Play with these switches, then balance golf tees

Task types:
Multiple brief

Task briefs

The task brief is laid on top of a switchboard on a table in the study. The briefs for the task are as follows:

Do whatever you want for five minutes.

After that, you’ll perform a task in the lab for five minutes.

The task is affected by the changes you’ve made to the settings.

Your time starts when David’s sure that you understand the task.

Balance tees on the board.

You have five minutes.

Most balanced tees when your time is up wins.

Your time starts when David’s sure that you understand the task.

Task notes

  • The switchboard has: one uncovered red switch labelled ‘K’; five white switches labelled, from left to right, ‘V’, ‘L’, ‘R’, ‘D’, and ‘S’; and a red switch, labelled ‘Ø’ underneath a plastic cover which reads ‘RÖR EJ’ (‘DON’T TOUCH’).
  • ‘K’ stands for ‘Konfetti’ (confetti) and, when this switch is turned on, confetti falls from the ceiling over the table in the lab. Unlike in the original version of the task, there is more than one stash of confetti stored on the ceiling of the lab and, based on the angle of some of the confetti launches, some of the production crew may also be in possession of confetti cannons as back-up.
  • ‘V’ stands for ‘Vibration’ and, when this switch is turned on, the platform on which the contestants are standing in the lab vibrates.
  • ‘L’ stands for ‘Ljud’ (sound) and, when this switch is turned on, an airhorn blows in the lab.
  • ‘R’ stands for ‘Rök’ (smoke) and, when this switch is turned on, a smoke machine in front of the table in the lab activates.
  • ‘D’ stands for ‘Disco’ and, when this switch is turned on, the lights in the lab start flashing in different colours, and disco music begins playing.
  • ‘S’ stands for ‘Stroboscope’ and, when this switch is turned on, the main lights in the lab turn off, and small blue strobe lights flicker on and off instead.
  • It’s not known what ‘Ø’ stands for, but if the contestants flip this switch, all of the lights in the lab turn off, and David calls time on the task.

Task stats



It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!