
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Get the most eggs in the pan

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Land the most egg in the frying pan.

You may not throw any egg.

You must stay on this balcony and you may only use the contents of one of the boxes.

You have 20 minutes or until you run out of eggs.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • In episode 1 of The Taskmaster Podcast, Alex Horne revealed that one of the boxes of equipment that the contestants could have chosen contained a series of cardboard boxes, and some nuts and bolts, which could have been assembled together to form a perfect chute for the eggs.
  • In the same podcast episode, Alex also said that he had demonstrated another solution to the task, in which he used a magnet on a string from one of the boxes to bring the frying pan back to himself. However, it appears that this demonstration was not included in the final edit of the episode, and doesn't appear to have been released as an outtake, either.

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a brief description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on writing up some additional detail, though!

  • Daisy tied her eggs to a bunch of balloons, and had Alex blow a leaf blower at the balloons, whilst she used string to direct it to the frying pan. Although she managed to get her eggs to land on the oil barrel supporting the frying pan, it was later revealed that no egg actually landed in the frying pan. Despite this, Greg awarded Daisy 1 point for her effort.
  • Johnny inflated lots of helium balloons but when attempting to attach them to his egg, he let go of them, and they floated to the ceiling. He ended up sending an egg attached to 3 balloons towards the frying pan, which just fell straight down. As he failed to land any egg, he received 0 points.
  • Katherine attached two tubes together with a bandage, and attempted to roll the eggs through the tube to the frying pan. As she failed to land any egg, she received 0 points.
  • Mawaan initially tried to fill an egg with helium, then put an egg in a balloon, which instantly exploded. He finally tried to send the last egg in a basket attached to helium balloons, but ended up breaking the egg. He then tried sending just the shell the same way, but failed. As he failed to land any egg, he received 0 points.
  • Richard initially tried to make a long tube to send the eggs through, but it broke and broke the eggs. He then tried to lower the broken eggs into the frying pan with a long stick he had fashioned, but that also broke. He finally tries to a fly a paper airplane made from the task brief, with a bit of egg on it, to the frying pan. As he failed to land any egg, he received 0 points.

(Source credit: Taskmaster Wiki contributors)


Notes on task scores

  • Although everyone failed the task, Daisy was awarded a bonus point for coming so close to actually landing an egg in the pan.