Make the biggest thing disappear

Task types:

Task brief
The brief for the task is as follows:
Make the biggest thing disappear.
Biggest thing made to disappear wins.
You have one hour.
Your time starts now.
Task notes
It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!
Task stats


Here's a brief description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on writing up some additional detail, though!
- Angella took a photo of the Taskmasterhouse and used PhotoShop to edit out the house, making it disappear. She received 5 points.
- Brynley created a play about people enjoying nature in 1915 and hating nature in 2020, causing the cow to disappear in the process. She received 2 points.
- Guy spent most of the time trying to make a large bubble that he could pop, but he ended up throwing the cow into the lake, which floated. He received 1 point.
- Leigh put a globe in a bin and took the bins out, claiming it was a metaphor for recycling. He received 3 points.
- Madeleine held up a black blanket in front of the caravan and pretended to make it disappear by moving it with her mind, which took 1 minute and 13 seconds. She received 4 points.
(Source credit: Taskmaster Wiki contributors)