
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marko spirals out of control

Marko looks over the objects, and determines his order of operations based on how long he believes everything will run, once activated. His first attempt is almost successful, but David declares that Marko blew the candle out just after the teeth had stopped chattering. This hits Marko hard, as every subsequent attempt appears to be less successful than the last. On his final attempt, Marko blows out the candle just as one of the monsters pops up. He declares his attempt successful, but David seems unconvinced. He tells Marko that he will stop the clock, if that is what Marko wants, but that slow-motion VAR may prove the attempt was unsuccessful. After agonising over the decision, Marko says he has completed the task. In the studio, David reveals that Marko considered the task completed after 3 minutes and 43 seconds. The video replay proves that Marko had blown out the candle just before the monster popped up. Marko celebrates his win, until David points out that the teeth had already stopped while Marko was blowing out the candle. Marko seems genuinely upset at the news, but earns a participation point.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)