
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Advertise one of Babben’s products

Task types:
Single brief
Novel task brief format?

Task brief

The task brief is written across a series of sticky notes attached to a dry-erase board in the living room of the Bäst i Test house, with further instructions written in dry-erase marker underneath them The brief for the task is as follows:

Make a commercial for one of Babben’s products.

Best commercial wins.

If you choose the same product as anyone else, you are disqualified.

The commercial must be exactly 10 seconds long.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • Babben’s products are a robot vacuum, shampoo, yoghurt, deodorant, an energy drink (‘Babbenergy’), and a bicycle (‘Babb Bike’).

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Marko picks the Babb Bike. Marko’s commercial is backed by the saxophone solo from George Michael’s Careless Whisper, and contains slow-motion footage of Marko washing the bike and riding it through a wheat field, declaring that it has “quick pedals and a handbrake to die for”. Babben awards Marko second place.
  • Henrik picks the shampoo. His commercial contains a rhyming song, performed by Henrik himself. The translated lyrics to his song are “A beautiful life just waiting for you / Get her hair with Babben’s shampoo / As addictive as snorting blow / Works both high and low”. In his commercial, Henrik massages the shampoo over his hair, beard, and face, and then – as he reveals that it also works “below” – flashes the camera with a picture of Babben’s face covering his groin. Babben awards Henrik first place.
  • Nikki initially picks the shampoo but, when she reads the advertised ingredients on the front of the label, she sees that it declares that the shampoo contains spring onions. Insisting that she cannot sell it, she instead chooses the yoghurt. Nikki’s commercial has her walking past a picket fence, extolling the virtues of the sheep’s milk yoghurt, describing it as “silky-smooth and exotic as the Gotlandian [Babben’s home province] landscapes”. However, Nikki is disqualified for choosing the same product as Johar.
  • Linnéa picks the Babbenergy drink. Her commercial addresses the viewer, asking if they sleep well at night and have a healthy diet. She then berates the viewer, demanding they join the rest of the world, and drink Babbenergy. Babben awards Linnéa third place.
  • Johar considers what items the others would have chosen. He says that the yoghurt is the most boring of the products, and that, if the contestants were listening to their guts, they would not choose it. He believes that Henrik, being acrobatic, would choose the bike – or that perhaps Henrik would not choose it, as Henrik might think that Marko would pick the bike (which he does). After some consideration, Johar chooses the yoghurt. He shoots his commercial like a government official delivering a public service announcement, telling all Swedes that he has a wide range of experience with dairy products and that, in these troubling times, they would do well to take solace in the fact that Sweden has a superb brand of yoghurt to bring hope. However, Johar has trouble keeping the commercial within the time limit, and he has to reshoot it several times. Each of his efforts is aired for the audience. After all that, Johar is disqualified for choosing the same product as Nikki.

(Source credit: Jenny R)