Episode 2: A foot of salt
![Image of a frying pan with burnt-on egg stuck to the bottom, and a fork (taken during the 'Quickly eat an egg' task), with the episode title, 'Un pied de sel' ['A foot of salt'] superimposed over the top. Image of a frying pan with burnt-on egg stuck to the bottom, and a fork (taken during the 'Quickly eat an egg' task), with the episode title, 'Un pied de sel' ['A foot of salt'] superimposed over the top.](/images/episodes/le_maitre_du_jeu_01_02_framed.png)
Episode synopsis
In this episode the contestants must bring in the ugliest thing they own, build a bridge for a potato, quickly eat an egg, draw an image using a GPS device, and memorise the names of some audience members.
Title context
'A foot of salt' was how Antoine Vézina referred to the amount of seasoning used by Matthieu Pepper during the 'Quickly eat an egg' task.
Taskmaster Intro
Good evening, and welcome to Taskmaster. My name is Louis Morissette, and I will be your Taskmaster! But what exactly does that mean? During the past weeks, I organised a series of tasks for five comedians loved by the public. We will discover together what they did, and how they did it. As the Taskmaster, I will attribute points subjectively and ambiguously to the most deserving. The winner of the season will leave with the greatest prize in television history: a replica of my head covered in gold!
Assistant Intro
And I hired myself an assistant to deal with the critics, and people complaining on Facebook: Antoine Vézina!
Episode stats

Official Points

Observed Points

Episode scores
There are some discrepancies between the official total scores for this episode and the points seen to be awarded during the episode. Both sets of scores, and the discrepancies between them, are displayed below.
Notes on discrepancies
- The episode scoreboards fall out of line with the actual points observed to be awarded in this episode after the third task, with Ève's final official score being 3 points lower than it should have been.
- Fortunately, this did not affect who was named as the winner of the episode.
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- English Credit: FastFooer
- French Credit: VITAC Canada