
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Transfer water from one fishbowl to another

  • In this task the contestants are provided with a range of generally useless items, and instructed to use them to transfer the water from one fishbowl to another, without moving the fishbowl.
  • A bar of chocolate is included amongst the items but, if the contestants eat any of the chocolate, they lose five points (as specified clearly on the back of the task brief).

Adapted versions

In this version of the task, both fishbowls are on the same table together, and this at the same height (making any potential syphoning more difficult), and many of the items supplied are different than in the original version. The wording of the task brief also allows for the contestants to transfer water back and forth between the bowls, rather than in just one direction. Contestants are not disqualified for moving the fishbowls, but any movements (even if accidental) are taken into account during scoring. While there is no secret additional extra element to the task leading to point deductions (i.e. no penalty for eating chocolate – in fact, no chocolate is event present), one of the contestants is assigned the extra challenge of coming up with new pet names for the Taskmaster, each time they move water.