
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Transfer water from one fishbowl to another

Task types:
Single brief

Task briefs

The briefs for the task are as follows:

Without moving the fishbowls, transfer the water from bowl A to bowl B.

You may only use the items on this table.

Most water moved wins.

You have five minutes.

Your time starts now.

On the back of the task brief:

If you eat any of the chocolate, you will be docked five points.

Task notes

  • The task takes place in front of a hut in the woods, where two fishbowls are set upon round tables.
  • The first fishbowl is full of water, and is on a slightly taller table.
  • The second fishbowl is empty, and set upon a slightly shorter table.
  • There is a larger, rectangular table next to the fishbowls, presenting an array of more or less useless items: a bowl of uncooked pasta, a snorkel, a foot pump, a roll of tape, a rigid plastic tube, a roll of cling film, a pair of rubber gloves (with the fingertips cut off), a plate with an entire bar of chocolate on it, and a baguette.

Task stats




Notes on task scores

  • Despite the hidden part of the task brief stating that the contestants who ate chocolate would be docked five points, it was apparently decided that no-one would actually receive negative points in the task.
  • Matthieu's score of 0 points make sense, given that he moved the most water (5 points) but then ate some chocolate (-5 points).
  • Christine moved the third most water (3 points), but then ate chocolate (-5 points), so should have received -2 points, but was assigned 0 points instead.
  • Also, for some reason, Jo was given 2 points, instead of just 1, for moving the least water.