
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Remove money from a champagne tower

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Remove the most money from the champagne tower and place it in Mark's inside pocket.

You may not touch the glasses.

The largest amount in Danish kroner wins.

You have 10 minutes, or until you spill the first drop.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • During the reading of the task, Simon is notably absent. Mark plays footage that reveals why: when Simon enters the lab (where the task is taking place), he bounces in; the vibrations cause the champagne tower to fall down. Simon, however, is not one to give up easily. He reads the task anyway, and sees that “time starts NOW,” (i.e. once he’s read the task). He could have actually used this to his advantage by picking up any loose money from the fallen tower; instead, Simon rushes to the kitchen to grab glasses to build a new champagne tower. While building, he realises that he is touching the glasses, which the rules also forbid. At this point (presumably knowing he’s disqualified), Simon opens a new bottle of champagne (spilling it everywhere), fills a single glass, sources credit cards from everyone in the room, dips them into the champagne, and places them in Mark’s pocket before leaving with the champagne bottle. Simon earns no points.
  • Tobias takes his time to look at the money, figuring out the highest denomination to go for first. It appears that during this time, he forgets that he’s not allowed to touch the glasses; as such, he uses his hand to balance each glass as he slides each bill out from under them. Tobias manages to move a few bills before the tower collapses, but since he broke the rules, he earns no points.
  • Sofie decides that she needs to suck the champagne from the glasses, and gets a straw and a pot into which she spits the champagne. While emptying the glasses, Sofie splashes some on the table, but does not notice. Sofie gets halfway down the tower before she realises that she’s spilled some champagne. Sofie earns no points.
  • Linda reads the task again and realises there’s nothing forbidding Mark from moving the glasses or spilling the champagne. She has Mark disassemble the champagne tower for her, putting bills in his pocket after every cleared level. Once the money from the champagne tower has been placed in Mark’s pocket, Linda asks the cameramen in the room if they have any money she can use. In the studio, Mark reveals that Linda moved a total of 641 Danish kroner (in different currencies) into his pocket, before he replays part of Linda’s footage. The footage shows Linda moving the first bill into Mark’s pocket – as she shakes some champagne off of the bill. Lasse declares that Linda has spilled champagne, and awards her no points.
  • Jonas gets some sort of small spatula from the kitchen. He also grabs some of his own money and puts it in Mark’s pocket. Jonas also puts his own debit card in Mark’s pocket, whispering the PIN code into Mark’s ear. Turning his attention back to the champagne tower, Jonas uses the spatula to provide counter force to each champagne glass as he slides each bill from underneath them. Jonas manages to remove two bills in this manner; the tower collapses while he’s working on removing the third. Jonas manages to transfer 198.50 worth of Danish kroner (in different currencies) into Mark’s pocket. As the only contestant who managed to transfer money into Mark’s pocket, he wins the task by default.

(Source credit: Jenny R)