
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Find out about the Hungarian person

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Find out the following information from the Hungarian: date of birth, father's occupation, greatest fear, how he would describe you, and favourite food.

The Hungarian may not speak or write in Croatian or English.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Lidija starts the task by only speaking to the Hungarian in English, even though the rules dictate that the man may not speak or write in Croatian or English. Eventually she goes back to Croatian. Generally, Lidija is good at finding ways to help the man give the correct information (for example, holding up fingers or miming what the man's father might do for work). Lidija spends 7 minutes 48 seconds on the task, and gets all five answers, earning four points.
  • During her attempt, Ana tries saying something in Hungarian to the Hungarian man. What she says is not clear, but the man informs her that what she said was somewhat rude. However, she still is able to navigate the conversation well. Ana spends 8 minutes 29 seconds on the task, and gets all five answers, earning three points.
  • At a few points during his attempt, Igor falls into the trap of assuming that if a word that the Hungarian man says sounds like a Croatian word, that the two words must be related (for example, the man uses the Hungarian word for 'everything' when referring to food, which Igor interprets as 'midnight'), but eventually is able to communicate with the man. After the other contestants' attempts are shown, it is revealed that Igor received an additional instruction on his task: to measure the exact height of the Hungarian man. The man is so much taller than him that he needs to pull the tape measure up the rest of the way for Igor – who accurately measures the man at 205cm. Igor spends 11 minutes 34 seconds on the task, and gets all five answers. He earns one point, plus a bonus point for the measuring, bringing his total for the task up to two.
  • Ante relies on mime while asking the Hungarian the questions, which seems to indicate that he never really realised that the man understood Croatian. Still, Ante navigates the conversation well. He spends 10 minutes 46 seconds on the task, and gets all five answers, earning one point.
  • Not much is shown of Enio's attempt, but what little is shown indicates that Enio may understand at least some basic Hungarian. There is a moment where Enio confuses the Hungarian word for 'loneliness' with the Croatian word for 'pomegranates'. While not specifically stated in the studio, it is assumed that Enio got all five answers and was also the quickest, as the task was scored purely on time for the other four contestants who got all five answers. Enio earns five points.

(Source credit: Jenny R)