
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Get the tent and its contents through the tunnel

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Move the tent and all the stuff inside it through the tunnel.

The winner is the first to move all the things and hit the bell.

You have five minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Lidija spends the majority of her time emptying and disassembling the tent. When passing things through the tunnel, she picks up one end and lets gravity do the work for her. Despite the fact that she did not transfer the heavy lion statue, Lidija rings the bell in the final few seconds. She earns fourth place.
  • Igor is actually small enough to fit into the tunnel, so when he starts passing the vacuum cleaner through, he follows behind it to push it through the remainder of the way. However, he gets stuck when trying to exit the tunnel, losing time. When passing subsequent items through, he shortens the tunnel's length by pushing it in on either end. He manages to move everything but the mannequin leg and the tent, and does not ring the bell. He earns third place, mainly because Ivan enjoys watching him struggle.
  • Ante starts by moving the heavy lion statue. He is thin enough that he can partially crawl into the tunnel to help push it through. After that, he throws items through the tunnel (“like bowling”, as he puts it), before moving on to letting gravity do the work for him by holding up one end of the tunnel whenever he puts an item in. He carefully passes the bowl of water through so that the bowl still has water in it. He rings the bell right before his time ends. However, in the studio, Luka reveals that the tent hadn't quite fully made it through the tunnel. Ante earns second place.
  • Much of Ana's edit is spent showing her complaining about the various items in the tent. Her time runs out before she is able to disassemble the tent, but she still rings the bell. She manages to transfer everything except the tent and the bowl of water, and earns last place.
  • Enio brings the tunnel to the tent, which cuts down on time that might have been wasted moving items to the tunnel. He shortens the tunnel by pushing the ends closer together and puts one of his arms inside of it. The result of this method is that more often than not, he is simply moving items from one hand to another inside of the tunnel. Eventually he switches to the gravity-assisted method of holding one end of the tunnel up and dropping items inside of it. His time is not given, but Enio does fully complete the task before his time is up, and earns first place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)