
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Get the flour into the bowl

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Move the most flour to the bowl.

You may not leave the terrace with the flour, nor move the bowl.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • Olli is notably absent from the scene during the filming of this task, due to his severe gluten allergy.

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Einar realises that he can leave the terrace if he doesn’t take the flour with him. He uses the grill and an umpire’s chair to prop up some pipes between the terrace and the bowl. He then puts some flour in the pipe, and uses a garden hose to flush the flour all the way through to the bowl. He ends up with 6 kilograms of flour in the bowl, and earns second place.
  • Steinar decides to make a dough from the flour, so he can more easily throw it into the bowl. He mixed the flour with water in a hand cart, but adds too much water, and so ends up with a sticky paste instead. He then tries to get the cart down the steps of the terrace, and ends up spilling a lot of the sticky paste on the lawn. He then desperately starts trying to brush the paste across the lawn, towards the bowl, with a broom. This method mainly succeeds in spreading the paste evenly across the space between the terrace and the bowl, though he does then manage to scoop some of it up in his hands and place it into the bowl. However, given that he left the terrace with the flour, he is recorded as having moved zero grams, and he earns last place.
  • Amir ends up trying to throw the flour into the bowl. He had initially tried to use a system of pipes like Einar, to get the flour to the bowl, but there turned out to be a gap in his pipes, so the flour and water leaked out of it. He manages to get 80 grams of flour dough in to the bowl, and earns third place.
  • Solveig uses a walker to support a pipe system, and then tries using a leaf-blower to propel the flour through the pipes. However, this causes the flour to shoot out of the end of the pipe at high speed, and miss the bowl. She then re-reads the task, noting that it only says that she can’t leave the terrace with the flour. Her workaround for this is to put some flour in a bucket, and then slide the bucket down the pipe, making it leave the terrace without her. She then leaves the terrace separately, and collects the flour from where it is hanging. As she does so, she greets it with the phrase “hey hey flour”, thus coining the episode title. She then empties the bucket into the bowl, and returns to the terrace to repeat the process. After moving all of the flour into the bowl, she heads into the house in search of more, and finds and entire, unopened bag, which she then transports to the bowl using her tried and tested method. She earns first place, having successfully moved 12 out of 10 kilograms to the bowl.
  • Ida uses an umpire’s chair and a wooden pallet to support her system of pipes. She uses a leaf-blower to propel the flour through the pipes, which initially results in the flour overshooting the bowl. To solve this problem, she uses some cardboard to create a backboard around the bowl, to catch and redirect the flour. However, before she is able to utilise her improved system, the pallet, bowl, and cardboard all collapse, taking the pipes with them. She presumably either runs out of time before being able to rebuild her system, or she gives up at this point, because she earns fourth place, with just 14 grams of flour moved.

(Source credit: Will G)