Make the best snowman

Task types:

Task brief
The brief for the task is as follows:
Make the best snowman.
For this you task you will have one hour.
Your time starts now.
Task notes
It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!
Task stats


Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!
- Enio sets up a chair in the yard next to the pool, where he places a plate of ice and a broom. He then strips naked and sprays himself white with a spray that is used to colour Christmas trees white. He ties a carrot to his nose and places a red pot on his head before sitting on the plate of ice on the chair and holding up the broom. He earns fourth place.
- Lidija's attempt is shown in parts in between the other contestants' attempts, as she ordered so many things for her snowman – at one point realising she has more options for things to order when she is told that the snowman doesn't have to be made primarily from the provided carrot. When her task attempt is finally shown, Lidija builds the actual snowman out of some sort of gourds that she has spray-painted white. She also makes a scene of a doll family (complete with house) building the snowman, while surrounded by trees. She and Luka sprinkle fake snow onto the scene and sing Christmas carols. She wins the task.
- Ante uses a bale of hay as the snowman's body and wraps it in some sort of cloth. He uses what appears to be a green traffic cone to serve as the snowman's head, and draws a face onto it. He shoves a few plastic pool tubes into the hay to act as the snowman's arms, and adds a bra, a leather jacket, sunglasses, and a wig. In the studio, Ante claims that what he actually built was a snow-woman in the midst of a midlife crisis. He earns last place.
- Igor's snowman is primarily made from a giant bag of polystyrene balls, which he distributes into several smaller bags. He stacks the bags on top of each other in a vaguely snowman shape, adds a pink hat, twig arms, and glues on buttons for the snowman's buttons, smile, and eyes. He cuts a hole in the top bag and jams the carrot inside to make the nose. He earns third place.
- Ana changes into a white sweater and paints her face white. She tapes several white pillows around her body, drapes a white carpet around her neck, and balances a frying pan on her head. She shoves two long sticks up her sleeves to act as snowman arms, and holds the carrot in her mouth. She plays the song Let It Go from Frozen while Luka throws fake snow on top of her. In the studio, Ana reveals that she was, in fact, trying to be the character Olaf from Frozen. She earns second place.
(Source credit: Jenny R)