
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Buy a gift for the Taskmaster

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Buy a gift for the Director of the Universe.

There's money in the envelope.

You have four weeks to think about it and buy a gift.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Igor is inspired by the fact that the budget they were given for the task was Hungarian money. It makes him think of a song about Hungarian ladies, so he buys Ivan several varieties of a type of cake called Hungarian Girl (Madjarica). Igor earns third place, even after claiming that he also has actual Hungarian women waiting backstage as part of the gift.
  • Ana works in a theatre called Kerekes Theatre, in which there is a shop that sells flasks. Ana's personal motto is “homemade brandy can bring you back from the dead”, so she presents an engraved flask to Ivan, which she claims is filled with brandy, but is actually empty. She also gives him an apron. Ana wins the task.
  • Ante brings two gifts for Ivan. The first is a Funko pop figure of Batman, as Ante says that Ivan is into “nerdy stuff”. The second is a salami sandwich. It's unclear as to why Ivan finds the sandwich funny. It may be a reference to the fact that in an earlier episode, Ante made a salami sandwich and had such difficulty eating it that he vomited it back up, which Ivan found hilarious. Ivan says he already has a lot of Batmen at home, and awards Ante fourth place.
  • Lidija reveals that she didn't buy her gift before the studio recordings started. Instead, she spoke several times over coffee with Ivan while the studio sessions were being recorded to figure out what he might like, and concluded that he was a big fan of the cinema. Therefore, Lidija presents Ivan with a gift card for 200 kuna (the equivalent of the 10,000 Hungarian forint budget the contestants were given) so Ivan can take his wife out to the movies. She earns second place.
  • Enio hands Ivan an envelope, inside of which are two phone numbers. Enio explains that the budget given was not enough to provide a present worthy of Ivan. He reveals that he has hired two people for Ivan for an entire day: a personal driver and a mistress. He says that every (corporate) director has these things, so why shouldn't Direktor Svemira? Ivan declares that the gift was best left for off-camera, and to protect his marriage, he must award Enio last place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)