Sort the objects by size using your feet

Task types:

Task brief
The brief for the task is as follows:
Arrange the items under the table by size, while keeping your elbows on the table, and your head rested on your palms.
The smallest object must be on your right, and the largest on your left.
All items must be properly lined up.
There must be no fruit in your line.
If a piece of fruit remains, you will be disqualified.
You have 100 seconds for the task.
Task notes
It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!
Task stats


Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!
- Ana manages to lose everything from under her table while she's sorting, and earns zero points.
- Ante apparently fails the task, receiving zero points.
- Enio moves around the table, puts his elbows back on it, and lays down on the table; in this way, he is able to look at what the items under the table are. He shuffles back around to his seat and starts sorting the items. Despite his technique, he still ends the task with zero points.
- Igor apparently fails the task, receiving zero points.
- Lidija apparently fails the task, receiving zero points.
(Source credit: Jenny R)