
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Slide drinks to the Taskmaster

Task types:
Single brief
Winner takes all?

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Slide a drink to the Taskmaster.

The worst player in each round is eliminated and must leave the bar.

The last person standing wins.

Task notes

  • In the first round, everyone slides the same glass (a small table wine glass). After that, Vasco picks different glasses for each contestant.
  • Vasco will only attempt to catch the glasses if they are going to fall off the very end of the table.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • In the first round, Inês slides the small table wine glass about 3/4 of the way down the table. In the second round, she slides the shot glass down the table and into Vasco’s hand. In the third round, Inês' white wine glass falls midway down, and rolls off of the table. She is the third eliminated.
  • In the first round, Gilmário slides the small table wine glass most of the way down the table. In the second round, he slides the water glass down the table and into Vasco’s hand. In the third round, he carefully slides the red wine glass halfway down the table. He is the fourth eliminated.
  • In the first round, despite her insistence that she will not do well, Jessica slides the small table wine glass most of the way down the table, between Inês AP and Gilmário’s glasses. In the second round, she slides the white wine glass all the way down the table, and Vasco catches it before it falls off. In the third round, she slides the red wine glass all the way down the table, and Vasco again catches it before it falls off. Jessica is therefore the winner of the task.
  • In the first round, Toy slides his small table wine glass most of the way down the table, where it hits another glass and falls off of the table. He is the first eliminated.
  • In the first round, Inês slides the small table wine glass all the way down the table, and Vasco catches it.. In the second round, he red wine glass falls almost immediately after she pushes it, and it rolls off of the table. She is the second eliminated.

(Source credit: Jenny R)