
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Show off your best party trick

Task types:
Single brief
Novel task brief format?

Task brief

The contestants receive the task brief in the lab, where Olli is wearing the task brief as a party hat. The brief for the task is as follows:

Show off your best party trick.

The party trick Atle likes best wins.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Henriette is able to get her entire right fist into her own mouth, and says it's the only party trick she has. Atle says he would have been more impressed if she had crammed both fists in, implying that she has a very big mouth. He awards her fourth place for her trick.
  • Espen initially suggests that he could get down on all fours and stick something up his ass, but says he's more of a nice uncle type who does magic tricks. For his trick, he uses slight of hand to make the wax seal from the task brief vanish, and then pretends to retrieve it from Olli's ear. Atle judges that his trick might be impressive in a kindergarten, but was not so impressive as a party trick, and awards him last place.
  • Martha fetches a can of beer, which she opens with her teeth. She then bends each of her fingers to hook over the one next to it, and picks up the beer can with her disfigured hands to drink from it. She then touches Olli's beard with her hands, which she says usually freaks people out. After unhooking her fingers, she then demonstrates how the index finger on her right hand can be bent to the side unnaturally because she broke it when she was a child. Atle characterises it as more of a freak show than a party trick, but awards her first place.
  • Live starts off doing an impression of Woody Woodpecker's laugh, and continues doing a cartoon voice singing a tune, but appears to veer into doing an impression of the Norwegian singer and actor Wenche Myhre, which she did not intend. Atle awards her third place, but only because the tricks by Espen and Henriette were so bad.
  • Kristoffer lies on his left side on the table, and clinks a champagne glass with Olli, as they act out a party scene so he can pull of his trick. He points out that it is Flag Day, and then raises his right leg straight up into the air, with a Norwegian flag held between his toes. When Olli mentions that he has an empty glass, Kristoffer suggests he places it on top of the flag pole (his leg), which Olli does. Kristoffer then keeps the glass balances on his foot while waving the flag with his toes. In studio, he admits that he can only do this with the one leg. Atle awards him second place for his party trick.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)