
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Remove all the ducks from the fountain

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

Olli reads the task brief to the contestants, whom he has blindfolded. The brief for the task is as follows:

Remove all the rubber ducks from the fountain.

Fastest wins.

You can buy yourself out of the chains or the blindfold for a time penalty, in Olli's shop.

The feet cost three extra minutes.

One hand costs five extra minutes.

Your sight costs seven extra minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The task takes place at the tiered fountain in the garden of the Kongen Befaler house. There are rubber ducks floating in each tier of the fountain.
  • Olli waits next to an easel, upon which there is a hard hat, some safety goggles covered in tape, some chain, and a small life jacket.
  • There is also a small plinth next to it, upon which there are four padlocks, with their keys.
  • Olli blindfolds the contestants with the goggles, puts the safety gear on them, and chains their wrists and feet together.
  • Also on the easel is a sign listing 'prices' (in minutes) for the contestants to have the handicaps (chains, padlocks and safety goggles) removed.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Henriette decides to start off the task without buying herself out of any of the handicaps, and shuffles off in a direction which does not get her closer to the fountain. After realising that her sight might be useful, she asks to have her goggles removed, looks around, and states "Oh, I'm here?!", thus coining the episode title. She ends up climbing into the fountain and using both her hands and mouth to pick up and remove all of the ducks in 2 minutes and 52 seconds. With her 7 minute penalty for buying her sight, her total time is this 9 minutes and 52 seconds, earning her third place.
  • Martha immediately buys her sight back, and shuffles off towards the fountain. After asking Olli to remind her what she was supposed to be doing, she begins removing the ducks from the fountain, struggling to reach many due to her chained limbs. She refuses to buy herself out of any further handicaps, though, and ends up climbing into the fountain to reach those on the upper tier. Unfortunately, she does not actually remove them all from the fountain altogether, leaving several on its outer wall, and is therefore disqualified from the task.
  • Espen pretends to enjoy the process of being restrained by Olli, during the set-up, thanking him for 'taking charge'. He starts out the task without buying himself out of any of the handicaps, hopping straight into the fountain in his restraints and blindfold, and feeling around for ducks. He has to remove the final two ducks in the top tier of the fountain with his mouth, at which point Olli lets him know that he has stopped the timer. In studio, Live describes the moment of him leaning down to pick one of the ducks up with his mouth as 'erotic', and Olli reveals that he completed the task in 5 minutes and 52 seconds, earning second place.
  • Kristoffer also declines to buy himself out of his handicaps, climbing into the fountain and working his way around it methodically. He eventually manages to find and remove all of the ducks, and Olli lets him know that he has stopped the timer. In studio, Olli shares that Kristoffer completed the task in 5 minutes and 52 seconds, earning first place.
  • Live reads the sign and asks if she can buy her sight before even reading the task. Once the task has begun proper, she buys the use of one of her hands. She ends up climbing into the fountain and crawling around on her hands and knees, feeling around blindly for ducks. She almost hits Olli with many of the ducks she flings out of the fountain. She eventually decides that she must have removed all of the ducks, as one floats around on the other side of the fountain from her. She therefore tells Olli to stop the timer, and enjoys a blissful minute of ignorance of the remaining duck before her goggles are removed, and she discovers the truth. In studio, Olli confirms that she was disqualified for not completing the task.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)