
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Office chair curling

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The actual text of the task brief is not known. The text below is paraphrased based on information disclosed in the episode:

Welcome to the new national sport, office chair curling.

The participants will, one-by-one, sit in this chair, then I will pull them back as far as they themselves want, until they say 'stop'.

There is a rubber band that is tightened, and they will be shot, or calmly rolled - it depends - forward.

The goal is to get as close as possible to the Kongen Befaler mark.

Whoever is closest gets five points.

Whoever is furthest away gets one.

You are not allowed to put your feet on the ground, or jerk the chair around to get it closer.

Task notes

  • The contestants are seated behind a screen on stage, preventing them from seeing an office chair, which has been set up on a long plastic carpet runner, with a large elastic band anchored to the stage either side, allowing the chair to be catapulted towards the front of the stage.
  • In front of the stage, a crash mat has been set up to catch anyone who travels too far.
  • The contestants are provided with an optional helmet, as safety gear.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Espen goes first, and is anxious about hurting himself, so requests to use the helmet as protection. He only asks Olli to pull him back a little, but actually ends up rolling very close to the target mark. He earns second place for his effort.
  • Martha goes second, declines the helmet, and asks Olli to draw her back as far as possible, sending her rolling off the edge of the stage and onto the crash mat. She earns joint fourth, with Live, for her attempt.
  • Henriette also declines the helmet, and asks Olli to draw her back a small distance, sending her rolling very close to the target mark. She wins first place for being the closest.
  • Live turns down the helmet, but also doesn't account for how light she is, as she is sent flying off the edge of the stage and onto the crash mat, from the distance she asks Olli to pull her back. She earns joint fourth, with Martha, for her attempt.
  • Kristoffer also declines the safety helmet, and decides he wants to ride forwards with the office chair facing backwards. However, he does not request enough power from Olli, for his weight, barely rolling any distance at all. Apparently disappointed that his missed his opportunity to use the crash mat, he runs and throws himself on it, as Atle tries to close the segment. He earns third place for his effort.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)