
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Fill the cup from the sprinkler

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is presented alongside an hourglass on a plinth in the garden of the Kongen Befaler house. The brief for the task is as follows:

Fill the cup with water from the sprinkler.

The contestant with the most water in the cup when the hourglass runs out wins.

The water will be turned on in 10 minutes.

You may not take the cup off the helmet, or the helmet off your head.

Task notes

  • The task takes place in the grounds of the Kongen Befaler house, where a water sprinkler has been set up on the balcony.
  • The contestants are asked to wear a hard hat, onto which a porcelain teacup has been glued.
  • Before turning on the sprinkler, Olli asks the contestants to select from one of three power levels.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Live adopts a strategy of collecting water in as many receptacles as possible, and then pouring it into her cup. She assembles a collection of bowls, buckets and a watering can, to catch the water but, after asking Olli to use the maximum power setting, finds that the water dissipates over too large an area for her to effectively catch much of it. Even when she does manage to collect a little in her large metal bowl, she manages to miss the cup when tipping it out. In an effort to collect some fluid, she then spits in the bowl and tries tipping that into the cup, but that also ends up dribbling mostly on herself, and she then loses most of what little water was in the cup, as she looks down too far. Atle disqualifies her from the task for cheating.
  • Kristoffer doesn't understand the challenge in the task until the sprinkler is turned on, and he discovers that it moves around. He catches water in a large metal bowl and pours it into his cup, but keeps tipping his head back too far afterwards, dumping its entire contents each time. He then cheats, after the time is up, by pouring the remaining water in his bowl into the cup while Olli is not looking. Atle therefore disqualifies him from the task.
  • Martha doesn't understand at first that she has 10 minutes to prepare herself, before the water turns on, thinking that she must just stand and wait for the entire period. She then tries to manufacture a funnel for herself by forcing a nail through the base of a stainless steel bowl. After this fails, she tries the same with a plastic bucket, succeeding only in completely breaking the bottom of the bucket with a mallet. She ultimately has to resort to running around in the garden with a dustbin lid, trying to catch the water from the sprinkler. She does manage to collect 16ml, though, earning her third place after the disqualifications of Kristoffer and Live.
  • Espen assembles a large piece of apparatus for collecting the water, consisting of a tall plastic tube with a bucket duct-taped into the top. Using this while standing on a step ladder, and requesting that Olli use the lowest power setting, he is able to reach directly up from below the balcony and collect water straight from the sprinkler. He then uses a plastic cup to transfer some of the water he has collected from the bucket to his teacup, until it is overflowing. In total, he gets 140ml into his teacup, winning the task.
  • Henriette identifies that she needs some kind of funnel to collect the water, but can't remember what they're called. She describes them as "It's a tube, and then it goes like this", thus coining the episode title. She find a bucket and turns it into a funnel of sorts by knocking a hole in the bottom of it with a hammer and screwdriver, through which she inserts a length of garden hose. Holding her 'funnel' directly over her teacup, she stands below the stream of water, having requested that Olli use the lowest power setting. In the studio, Atle and Olli point out that the hose actually stuck up a long way through the bucket, so it is surprising that it actually functioned as a funnel, but Atle reasons that she was basically stood under the dribble of water from the sprinkler, so the water would have found its way in anyway. In total, she collects 105ml, earning second place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)