
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Find the back of your hand

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is found attached to a mannequin's hand, which is suspended from the ceiling of the garage. The brief for the task is as follows:

Find the back of your hand.

Fewest wrong guesses wins.

You have a maximum of 20 minutes, and your time starts when Alex does a hand pun.

Task notes

  • The task takes place in the garage, where eight large boards have been leant against the walls, each of which is covered with a grid of photographs of people's hands (plus one bird's foot and one dog's paw).
  • These photos were submitted by viewers of the show, in response to a call-out on Twitter on 5 November 2021, and there were at least 3,000 of them. A video was posted on Twitter, after the episode went out, showing every single one of the hands submitted, and a fan subsequently separated the frames of that video and created a Google Photos album of them, to allow people to more easily find their own hand.
  • Suspended from the ceiling is a mannequin's hand, around the wrist of which is a piece of tape with the words "FOR SALE - reject boards: 100 guesses" written on it.
  • The contestants can thus 'spend' 100 guesses to randomly eliminate one board (at least 375 photos, but possibly as many as 460) that definitely does not feature the photo of their own hand (each board is named after a finger on the left or right hand, and those names are written on card fingers within an envelope held by Alex, which the contestant may draw from).
  • Inside the mannequin's hand, there is a laser pointer.
  • Near the ceiling, on either side of the garage, two small mirrors have been mounted, one of which has a small square frame of tape on it.
  • Above one of the boards, towards the back of the garage, there is a mounting point for the laser pointer, which ensures that the beam bounces off the mirror with the tape, then off the second mirror, and highlights the photo of the contestant's own hand.

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a brief description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on writing up some additional detail, though!

  • Dara forgot which hand Alex had taken a photo of, thinking it was the right hand, and not the left hand that had his wedding ring on it. He used 200 guesses to reject two of the boards, but failed to find his own hand in time, receiving zero points.
  • Fern decided to use 500 guesses to eliminate five boards, and eventually found the photo of her own hand after just 4 individual incorrect guesses. With a total of 504 guesses, she earned second place.
  • John started out looking for his father's hand, before opting to spend 700 guesses to eliminate 7 boards. Despite narrowing the odds significantly, and making multiple incorrect guesses on the remaining board (at one point even touching the correct photo), he failed to find the photo of his own hand, and received zero points.
  • Munya found the laser pointer in the mannequin's hand, and spotted the mirrors. He eventually worked out how to set it up so the laser would point at the photo of his own hand, and made zero incorrect guesses, earning joint first place in the task.
  • When Alex took a photo of her hand, Sarah had decided to make her hand into an open fist, instead of lying it flat like everyone else. This made it much easier for her to find the photo of her own hand, so she made zero incorrect guesses, and earned joint first place.

(Source credit: Taskmaster Wiki contributors)