
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Accurately measure the longest distance

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is received in the study, where it lies against a tape measure on the desk. The brief for the task is as follows:

Measure the longest distance, with a maximum margin of error of 1%.

You have seven minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • Olli stands to the side of the desk with a stack of small traffic cones, which he uses to mark along the path that the contestants choose to measure.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Kristoffer anchors the end of the tape measure under an ice bucket, and heads off down the driveway. Once he runs out of tape, he retrieves the tape measure and bucket, and repeats the process from where he ended. In total, he measures 155.5 metres, and Olli verifies that the exact distance was actually 154.7 metres, which is well within the 1% margin of error. He therefore wins the task and earns 5 points.
  • Henriette uses the tape measure to measure a distance down the driveway, but does not firmly anchor the end of the tape, so keeps pulling it further away from where she is trying to measure from, as she unreels it. When prompted by Olli for a total measurement, she then accidentally doubles the length of the tape measure in her mind, from 30m to 60m, giving her a total distance of 360 metres, rather than 180 metres. After the time is up, she believes she has forgotten to count one length of the tape measure, so suggests that the total should have been 420 metres instead. In the studio, Atle gives her the option of using the longer measurement in exchange for a deduction of 2 points, which she takes him up on. Olli then reveals that the actual distance she measured was just 167 metres. She therefore fails the task, receiving just 1 point, minus the 2 points that Atle tricked her into sacrificing, ending up with a score of -1 point.
  • Martha unreels the tape measure as far as the root of a tree, and reads out a measurement of 7.11 metres. It is not revealed in the studio how inaccurate this measurement is, but she only receives 1 point, so it must have been bad.
  • Live seems confused about the task, since she has a tape measure, but Olli has a measuring wheel, and she can't understand the purpose of there being both. She initially anchors the end of the tape measure and runs off down the driveway with it but quickly runs out of slack, and it gets snatched from her grip as she runs beyond its reach. Instead of retrieving the tape measure and continuing to measure from the point she reached, she places a broom handle on the ground, and states that her measurement is to that point. However, when asked by Olli to say her measurement out loud, she appears unable to determine the distance indicated by the tape measure. She instead simply estimates - without any attempt at measuring - that the distance between where she stands and the caravan is 10 metres. Atle reveals in studio that the actual distance was more like 21.5 metres, so she fails the task, but gets 1 point for her effort.
  • Espen decides to measure the entire circumference of the world, minus one metre, so runs off to get his phone, so he can look up the size of the planet. He then measures out a distance of 1 metre on the desk, and tries to subtract that 1 metre from the figure he has found. Unfortunately for him, he loses track of the units he is measuring in, and where the decimal place should be, so gives an answer of 40,076,639.999km, which is 1,000 times larger than it should be. He therefore fails the task, but gets 1 point for his effort.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)