
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Spell out the shortest word on the board

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Write the shortest word on the board.

For each participant who has the same number of letters in their word as you, the word 'failed' is added to the beginning of your word.

Task notes

  • The task takes place in the lab, where the contestants are provided with a backlit letterboard and a set of letters they can use to spell out a word on it (two complete sets of the Norwegian alphabet, but just one 'Ø', as Kristoffer points out).
  • It is unclear from the footage shown whether there was a time limit on this task.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Henriette decides to go as short as possible with her word, simply placing the letter 'I' on the board to spell 'i' ['in']. Having chosen the same word as Espen, the word 'mislykket' is prepended to her word, giving her a word with 10 letters. She therefore earns joint last place with him in the task.
  • Kristoffer decides to inspect the letters available to him before opening the task brief, and identifies that there are two full sets of the alphabet present, excluding a second 'Ø'. He is not a fan of the amount of guesswork about what other people might do involved in the task. When prompted to guess what Henriette might choose, he suggests she might use the word 'pris' ['award' ], since "she's constantly talking about her awards". He then almost perfectly guesses that Martha will play the word 'ræv' ['ass']. He gives himself multiple options for words to play, from one letter to five ('i' ['in'], 'ad' ['ad'], 'bås' ['stall'], 'feig' ['coward'], and 'klump' ['lump']), before opting for the longest. He predicts that he will earn third place for his choice, which turns out to be absolutely correct.
  • True to Kristoffer's prediction, Martha plays the word 'rævo' ['the ass'], and she earns second place for doing so.
  • Live decides to spell out the word 'gay' on the board, and says the phrase "I'll go for gay", thus coining the episode's title. With a word of just three letters, she wins the task.
  • Espen seems unable to see the letterboard provided to him, looking around the room for a chalkboard instead. He then finds the board but, for some reason, opts to use a marker pen to write his word of choice ('i') on it, rather than using the letters provided. Having chosen the same word as Henriette, the word 'mislykket' is prepended to his word, giving him a word with 10 letters. He therefore earns joint last place with her in the task.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)