
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Write the same word as someone else

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The actual text of the task brief is not known. The text below is paraphrased based on information disclosed in the episode:

Olli will read out various categories, and you must write down one thing from the given category.

The aim is to write the same word as one or more of the others.

If you succeed in doing so, you will go through to the next round.

If no-one has written the same word as you, you are eliminated, and must sit on the loser's bench.

If everyone writes different words, then the round is cancelled, and we start a new one.

You are not allowed to talk to each other.

Task notes

  • The contestants are lined up on stage behind tables, and separated by screens to prevent them seeing what each other are doing.
  • Each of them has a chalkboard, a piece of chalk to write down their words with, and a chalkboard eraser.
  • The categories Olli calls out are: 'something you do on a toilet'; 'something you eat with'; and 'something you do in secret'.
  • When the game is down to just two contestants, the tie is broken by the contestants guessing how many 'jellymen' sweets Olli has in his pocket (27).

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • In the first round, Espen wrote the word 'poop'. In the second round, he wrote 'cutlery', and so was eliminated.
  • In the first round, Martha wrote the word 'poop'. In the second round, she wrote 'knife', and so was eliminated.
  • In the first round, Henriette wrote the word 'poop'. In the second round, she wrote 'fork'. In the third round, she wrote 'wanking', and so was eliminated.
  • In the first round, Kristoffer wrote the word 'poop'. In the second round, he wrote 'fork'. In the third round, he wrote 'masturbating'. In the final, he guesses that Olli has 5 jellymen in his pocket, and so is eliminated for being the furthest out.
  • In the first round, Live wrote the word 'poop'. In the second round, she wrote 'fork'. In the third round, she wrote 'masturbating'. In the final, she guesses that Olli has 7 jellymen in his pocket, and wins the task by guessing closest.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)