
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Record the highest speed on the speed camera

Task types:
Single brief
Bonus points?

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Get the speed camera to take a photo of you.

Highest speed wins.

There's a bonus point for the best photo.

You have 20 minutes and one attempt.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The task takes place in the garden of the Kongen Befaler house, where a speed camera has been set up, pointing towards the house.

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Hani initially considers using a bicycle or a moped, and dismisses the possibility of using a car in the garden, but eventually does just that. She backs the car as far up the bank in the garden as she can, and then accelerates past the camera as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, she was unable to back the car far enough up the bank to gain much speed, and the camera was triggered after she had only travelled half a metre, registering a speed of just 17 kilometres per hour. She thus earns last place in the task.
  • Karin immediately decides that she wants to swing past the camera. She is then seen being lifted into the air on an improvised rope swing which has been tied to an overhanging tree branch, with Olli pulling her up from his position at the top of the bank. He then lets go of the rope, letting her swing past the camera. Having completed her swing, she repeatedly comments on how much fun it was. The camera registers Karin's speed at 25 kilometres per hour, placing her second. However, Bård also awards her a bonus point for the good photo.
  • Vidar decides to try to get a photo of himself barbecuing at speed. He seats Olli at a table at the bottom of the bank, and runs down between the table and a barbecue grill next to it, wearing an apron and flinging hot dogs and buns into the air, while Olli pours himself a drink. The camera registers Vidar's speed at 23 kilometres per hour, placing him third. However, Bård also awards him a bonus point for the good photo.
  • Leo has Olli sit on a chair at the bottom of the bank. As Leo vaults over him from behind, Olli throws a basketball up into the air, and Leo grabs it as if he's dunking it into a basket. The camera registers a speed of 19 kilometres per hour for Leo's cool jump, putting him in fourth place.
  • After thinking for a while, Lars asks if there are any sparklers he can use. He is then seen standing with a sparkling firework held between his bare buttocks, and holding a golf club. After Olli lights the firework, Lars takes a swing at a ball with the club, in order to register a high speed with the camera. The camera registers the speed of Lars' ball at 39 kilometres per hour, placing him first in the task.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)


Notes on task scores

  • Bård decides to award bonus points for good photos to both Karin and Vidar.