
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Create a picture of an animal on the back of your T-shirt

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Create a recognisable picture of an animal on the back of your T-shirt using the equipment provided.

You must stay on your spot, and you must not move your spot.

If you create the same animal as someone else, you will both be disqualified.

Best recognisable picture of an animal on your back wins.

You have 200 seconds.

Task notes

  • The contestants are lined up behind tables on stage, separated by screens, and each wearing a plain white T-shirt.
  • On each of their tables, they have a stack of paper in various colours, and a variety of tapes of different colours and thicknesses. Taped to the underside of each of their tables, there is also a pair of scissors.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Frankie is the second contestant to finish his animal and attach it to his back. His is then the first one asked to reveal his animal, which is a very straight snake, fashioned from a piece of green duct tape stuck onto a brown piece of paper. He has given it a black eye and a forked red tongue, using pieces of narrrower tape, and has stuck it onto his back using four pieces of black duct tape, one on each corner of the paper. Greg correctly identifies it as a snake. Because he and Kiell both created the same animal, both men are disqualified from the task.
  • Ivo appears to be the only contestant to discover the scissors taped to the underside of the table. He uses them to cut a shape out of a yellow piece of paper, and sticks that to his back, at a jaunty angle, with a single piece of black tape. He is the second contestant to reveal his animal, which Greg correctly identifies as a "jaunty giraffe". He awards Ivo third place.
  • Jenny is the third contestant to reveal her animal, which is a colourful butterfly, marked out in several colours of tape, on a pink piece of paper. Greg correctly identifies it as a butterfly, and ultimately awards Jenny first place.
  • Kiell finishes his animal before even half the time is up, suspending it on his back using two long pieces of red duct tape. He is the fourth contestant to reveal his animal, which is a very thin and kinked snake, marked out in green tape, on a brown piece of paper. When Greg correctly guesses it's another snake, Kiell suggests that it could also be a stick insect. Because he and Frankie both created the same animal, both men are disqualified from the task.
  • Mae is the last contestant to reveal their animal, which is a duck. The bird's body is made from brown paper that they've torn into the approximate shape, and the legs and beak are added on using pink and yellow tape, respectively. It appears that they used the trick of rolling up some tape, sticky side out, in order to stick it to their back. Greg is initially very impressed with it, and correctly identifies that it is a bird (though he doesn't guess the correct species, initially suggesting that it's a dodo). Despite his initial reaction, though, Greg ultimately awards Mae second place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)