
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Catch the potatoes in the potato hat

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The contestants find the task brief on a conveyor belt in an industrial room at Frogmore Paper Mill. The brief for the task is as follows:

Catch the potatoes in the potato hat.

You must be sitting on the catching stool wearing your potato hat, and you must not touch anything at any point.

Anything in your hat that is not a potato will be subtracted from your potato total.

Highest potatotal wins.

The conveyor belt will start moving in three minutes from now.

Task notes

  • The conveyor belt runs from ground level and up at an angle towards the ceiling of the room.
  • In the middle of the conveyor belt, a single line of small potatoes and plastic toy animals has been placed in a specific pattern, with equal spaces between them.
  • The contestants also findn a 'potato hat' on the conveyor, which is just two top hats stuck together, end-to-end.
  • A stool has been placed on the floor below the end of the conveyor belt, for the contestants to sit on while wearing their potato hats.
  • After the task begins, members of the production team start adding more potatoes and toy animals to the conveyor belt, in the same predesignated pattern.
  • The pattern used for the objects is revealed through a series of Taskmaster beer-mats lined up around the walls of the room, with one side representing potatoes, and one representing toys.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Jenny seems thrilled about the task from the moment she enters the room. Having read the task brief, she excitedly comments "Oh, this sounds brilliant. I'll be so bad at this." She starts trying to memorise the order of the items on the conveyor before requesting a pen to just write it down. Once the conveyor is running, and items are raining down on her, she just falls into fits of laughter, and doesn't seem to be following the pattern at all. At one point, she tries to shake out an animal that's just landed in the hat, and instead loses two of her potatoes. In the studio, Alex reveals that Jenny collected 10 potatoes and 6 animals, giving her a potatotal of 4. After Greg decides not to disqualify those contestants who touched a pen during their attempts, Jenny earns second place.
  • Frankie attempts to memorise the order of the items on the conveyor before requesting a pen so he can write the order down on the task brief. He refers to his list while sat on the stool, and successfully avoids the first animal and catches the first potato. However, he then seems to have issues with the positioning of his hat, as the items are mostly just bouncing off his back. He shuffles his stool backwards, but then all the potatoes just start bouncing off of the front of the hat's brim instead. He eventually seems to just find a good position for catching the items, and lets everything fall in, regardless of what it is. In the studio, Alex reveals that Frankie collected 21 potatoes and 23 animals, giving him a potatotal of -2. After Greg decides not to disqualify those contestants who touched a pen during their attempts, Frankie earns last place.
  • To help memorise the order of the items on the conveyor, Kiell implements the "Not, pot, pot, not, not, pot, not" mnemonic system. Using this system, he successfully avoids the first animal and catches the first potato. However, he then seems to lose track a little of where he is, and then things only get worse once he's reached the end of what was on the conveyor when the task began and, unknown to him, the pattern starts repeating. In the studio, Alex reveals that Kiell collected 22 potatoes and 19 animals, giving him a potatotal of 3. This earns him third place.
  • Mae memorises the pattern of the items on the conveyor by remembering them as 'yes's or 'nos'. They then repeat the pattern while practicing moving their head to the side for the 'no's. Once on the stool, they spot the beer-mats on the wall in front of them, arranged in a pattern corresponding to the items on the conveyor. Initially, however, Mae can't seem to get the position of their hat correct, to catch the potatoes, and then they lose track of the pattern. They eventually figure it out, though, and are even able to keep their cool and adapt when the pattern starts repeating. In the studio, Alex reveals that Mae collected 22 potatoes and 7 animals, giving them a potatotal of 15, and winning them the task.
  • Ivo memorises the pattern of the items on the conveyor by remembering them as 'yes's or 'nos'. Anxious that he will not learn it in time, he initially requests a pen to write it down, but then dodges it as Alex throws it to him, remembering that the task brief stated that they were not permitted to touch anything during the task. Once sat on the stool, he spots the beer-mats lined up on the wall to his left, arranged in a pattern corresponding to the items on the conveyor. Initially, however, Ivo can't seem to get the position of his hat correct, to catch the potatoes. He soon figures it out, though, and does well up until the point when the pattern repeats, which he was not expecting. At this point, he becomes flustered, and also the fact that he is trying to look at the wall to his left while doing it doesn't seem to help, and so everything falls apart. After he's already mentally given up, he spots that there are also beer-mats denoting the pattern on the wall in front of him. As the task ends, he states that it was his least favourite, and that "we should all be ashamed". After Alex asks whether anything that Ivo had planned had worked, Ivo admits that it hadn't, but claims that he didn't care "because it's so stupid". In the studio, when Greg observes that the start of his attempt had been so promising, Ivo responds with "Yeah, I love to squander promise", this coining the episode's title. Alex reveals that Ivo collected 11 potatoes and 10 animals, giving him a potatotal of 1. This earns him fourth place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)