
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Deliver a one-minute history lecture

Task types:
Multiple brief

Task briefs

Both task briefs are laid on the table in the lab. The briefs for the task are as follows:

Put three single-digit numbers in the slots, then open the second task.

Deliver a one-minute lecture about the year you selected.

Your lecture must start in 15 minutes from now.

Most informative lecture wins.

You may not leave the lab.

Task notes

  • The task takes place in the lab, where there is a standing board on the table, with three open slots in the top, and retractable red curtains.
  • Also on the table, there is a deck of cards featuring single digit numbers, from which the contestants must select the three digits which are slotted into the top of the board to form the year about which they must present their lectures.
  • The first slot in the board is already populated with the digit '1', ensuring that the contestants will be presenting on a year from history between 1000 and 1999.
  • There are also a chalkboard, a whiteboard, and a flipchart pad in the room, with chalk, dry erase markers, felt-tip pens, a ball-point pen and paper, and an extendible pointer provided on a plinth.
  • Even though both task briefs are presented to the contestants at the same time, Alex makes them read the one instructing them to select their digits first.
  • To help judge how informative the contestants' lectures are, the historian Dan Jones is consulted, and points are awarded based on the number of true facts each contestant presents.

Task stats



Here's a brief description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on writing up some additional detail, though!

  • Frankie chose the year 1417. In his lecture, Frankie mentioned that he didn't know who the King was, but he would have been English, and that Britain didn't exist yet, and he then listed stuff that people didn't know about in that year. He received 4 points.
  • Ivo chose the year 1125. In his lecture, Ivo mentioned it was in the medieval times, that life was hard, that William I had died by this point, that there was a lot of tension, that Britain was under threat from France, and that he was likely an inbred descendant. As he seemed to have the most correct facts, he received 5 points.
  • Jenny chose the year 1642 and panicked, even attempting to go the toilet just so she could google more about the year. Jenny's one minute lecture ended up lasting 5 minutes. She mentioned that it was a time of conflict, turmoil, and weather, that women had different underwear, and that some people had swans. She received 2 points.
  • Kiell chose the year 1500. In his lecture, Kiell mentioned that it was a good year for farmers, that water wasn't invented then but was being used, and that they had people, dogs, and huts. He received 2 points.
  • Mae chose the year 1123. In their lecture, Mae mentioned that Rome had fallen, and that Christianity was sweeping Europe. With only 2 facts, they received 3 points.

(Source credit: Taskmaster Wiki contributors)