
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Invent an exciting new sport using the selected item

Task types:
Multiple brief

Task briefs

The task brief is held by Pilvi, who is standing on the dock near the mansion. The briefs for the task are as follows:

Pick one of the three buckets and look at what’s underneath it.

Come up with a new, exciting sport.

The item found underneath the bucket that you chose must be involved in the sport somehow.

The most suitable sport for the Taskmaster wins.

You have 12.568 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • In front of Pilvi are three overturned buckets: one orange, one green, and one pink.
  • Underneath the orange bucket is a toy elephant coin bank. Underneath the green bucket is a framed picture of Jaakko. Underneath the pink bucket, there is a meat mallet.
  • The relevance of the time limit of 12.568 minutes is not known – perhaps they were just being goofy when they wrote this one.
  • Although the general premise of the task is similar to the ‘Invent a new Olympic sport’ task first used on Bäst i Test, there are more than enough differences to categorise it here as an original task concept.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Fathi chooses the pink bucket, and thus must invent a sport involving a meat mallet. He runs back to the mansion and searches the shed. He pulls a non-meat mallet from the shed’s toolbox, and informs Pilvi that he has all he needs, and that they need to return to the dock. Fathi names his game ‘Nuija ja Tosinuija’ (‘Mallet and True Mallet’), after the Finnish title for the Jim Carrey movie Dumb and Dumber (the Finnish word ‘nuija’ means ‘mallet’, but is also slang for ‘dumb’ or ‘fool’). Fathi presents Pilvi with the three overturned buckets from the beginning of the task. The goal of the game is to find the ‘true mallet’ (the one from the shed). The other buckets conceal either the meat mallet, or nothing at all. Pilvi does not pick the correct bucket and, as a consequence - Fathi explains - she must now pick a finger to be smashed with the mallet. Jaakko ultimately awards everyone just one point each for their sports.
  • Kalle chooses the pink bucket, and thus must invent a sport involving a meat mallet. As Kalle and Pilvi walk back towards the mansion, Kalle reasons that all men who have reached middle age enjoy games which involve throwing things, like shot-put and hammer-throwing. He gathers some items from the shed and, while setting up his game, informs Pilvi that he’s just remembered that Jaakko is a vegetarian (though he uses a less flattering term, calling Jaakko a “Bunny Hill boy”), so he needs to alter his game to use a vegetarian steak made out of grass and leaves, instead of meat. Kalle places his ‘vegetarian steak’ in the middle of a tyre, and explains to Pilvi how his new game – dubbed ‘Harrumph of the Meat Mallet’ - is played: the player must stand in the throwing area, and down several shots of alcohol from test tubes. They must then throw the meat mallet at the tyre, and attempt to land it in the centre, thus tenderising the ‘steak’. Jaakko ultimately awards everyone just one point each for their sports.
  • Linda chooses the yellow bucket, and thus must invent a sport involving a toy elephant coin bank. She takes the bank and bucket, and leads Pilvi into the woods, stopping when she suddenly has an idea for her game. She sits Pilvi down on the bucket, and places the coin bank on her head, then looks around for things to throw. In a concession to Pilvi’s safety, Linda decides to throw things from behind her, so she “won’t lose her pretty face”, should one of her throws miss the bank. She explains that the rules of her game are that each player get to pick three items from the environment to throw, and must then try to knock the coin bank off of Pilvi’s head. In a demonstration of her game, Linda throws three pinecones at Pilvi’s head. The third definitely hits Pilvi, but also manages to knock the bank off. If Linda named her game, it is not shown in the edit. Jaakko ultimately awards everyone just one point each for their sports.
  • Pirjo chooses the green bucket, and thus must invent a sport involving a picture of Jaakko. Pirjo muses that since the sport is meant to be suitable for the Taskmaster, that it should involve minimal movement - ideally something that can be done while sitting on the couch. Outside the shed, Pirjo uses a marker pen to divide the picture of Jaakko into nine sections, each with their own score. Grabbing a small paddle and a bag of wooden beads, Pirjo sets up her game on one of the mansion’s couches. The player’s wrist is taped to the paddle, which rests against the arm of the couch. At the other end of the paddle is the picture of Jaakko. The player must drop a wooden bead onto the picture of Jaakko and attempt to get the highest score possible. Pirjo dubs her solo game ‘Jumpy Jaska’ (‘Jaska’ is Jaakko’s nickname). Jaakko ultimately awards everyone just one point each for their sports.
  • Eija chooses the green bucket, and thus must invent a sport involving a picture of Jaakko. Eija immediately comes up with the idea of an ‘Idol Run’. She hands the picture of Jaakko to Pilvi and explains how the idol run works: Pilvi is to run to the mansion and grab one of the large portraits of Jaakko, then return to the dock with it as quickly as possible. Eija starts the timer, and cheers in encouragement as Pilvi runs off towards the mansion with the picture of Jaakko. As Eija continues to cheer her on from the dock, a visibly tired Pilvi swaps the picture of Jaakko for one of the larger framed portraits, before turning around and running back the way she’d come. Pilvi finishes her ‘Idol Run’ in 4 minutes and 18 seconds. Jaakko ultimately awards everyone just one point each for their sports.

(Source credit: Jenny R)


Notes on task scores

  • Jaakko initially says that he’d enjoyed the games invented by everyone, so he awards them all five points. However, he then docks four of those points from them all, accusing them of not understanding the irony of what he’d said.