
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Memorise the objects on the poster

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The actual text of the task brief is not known. The text below is paraphrased based on information disclosed in the episode:

You have 60 seconds to memorise the objects from the house which are depicted on the poster in the outhouse.

You will then come out and take it in turns to name the objects you remember.

You will take your turns in the order in which you come out of the shed, so you may leave early and stand first in line if you wish.

If you repeat an object, or name an object that isn’t on the poster, you are eliminated.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The contestants are grouped together on stage, next to a wooden outhouse.
  • Inside the outhouse, there is a poster on the wall depicting 87 objects (not the ‘over 100’ claimed by Olli) from the Kongen Befaler house, including: an alarm clock, an American football, an arrow, a balloon, a bell, a bicycle helmet, a book, a bucket, a bust of Atle, a bust of Olli, a cactus, a candle, a candlestick, a chair, a coat hanger, a coffee machine, a die, a disco ball, a pair of drumsticks, some ear defenders, a fire extinguisher, a food blender, a fork, a fountain, a framed landscape painting, a garden fork, a pair of gardening gloves, a globe, a gnome, a hairbrush, a hammer, an hour glass, a pair of ice skates, a kayak, a kettle, a key hole, a lamp, a life vest, a light bulb, a maraca, a match, a megaphone, a mousetrap, a Norwegian flag, an owl lamp, a padlock, a paintbrush, a paperclip, a pepper grinder, a pine cone, a rain hat, a rocking horse, a rolling pin, a rose, a rubber duck, a Rubik’s cube, a scimitar, a pair of scissors, a set of keys, a shed, a pair of shoes, a shuttlecock, a ski, a slide, a sofa, a spoon, a stop watch, a table knife, a giant teddy bear, a tennis ball, a toaster, a toboggan, a toilet, a toilet brush, a roll of toilet paper, a toy tractor, a trilby hat, a trophy cup, an old-fashioned TV, a typewriter, a washing up brush, a waste paper bin, a wellington boot, a wheelbarrow, a whistle, a window, and a wood saw.

Task stats



It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!