
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Follow the Taskmaster’s instructions

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Follow the Taskmaster’s instructions.

Most correct result wins.

Your time starts on Mark’s signal.

Task notes

  • The contestants are lined up on stage, each behind a plinth (referred to as a 'table' throughout), and wearing overalls with pockets on the hips and chest.
  • In front of each of them on the plinth, there is a pencil, a set of keys, an onion, a rubber duck, and an orange ping pong ball.
  • Lasse starts reading instructions to the contestants at a slow pace, but then rapidly speeds up to ensure that they struggle to keep up with him.
  • Lasse’s instructions are as follows: “Put the rubber duck in your left trouser pocket”; “Put the onion in your right chest pocket”; “Hold the pencil in your right hand”; “Put the ping pong ball in your left chest pocket”; “Put the keys in your right trouser pocket”; “Swap the items in your left trouser pocket and your right hand”; “Swap the two items in your chest pockets”; “Put the item from right trouser pocket on the table, and hold the item from the left trouser pocket in your left hand”; “Put the item from right chest pocket in your mouth, and the item from the right trouser pocket in the left trouser pocket” (Note: there should be nothing in the right trouser pocket by this point, so nothing needs to be moved to the left trouser pocket); “Put the item from the left chest pocket in your right hand, and then swap the heaviest item with the lightest item” (Note: presumably the onion and the ping pong ball); “Put the item on the table in the right chest pocket, and the item in your mouth in the left chest pocket”; “Put the item in your right hand in your right trouser pocket, and take all the things from your left pockets and swap them with the corresponding right pockets” (Note: there should be two items in the right hand by this point, so both should be moved).
  • At the end of the task, it is clarified that if the task is performed correctly: the pencil should end up in the contestant’s left hand; nothing should end up in the contestant’s right hand; the keys should end up in the contestant’s left chest pocket; the onion should end up in the contestant’s right chest pocket; both the rubber duck and the ping pong ball should end up in the contestant’s left trouser pocket; and nothing should end up in the contestant’s right trouser pocket (Note: this all checks out, as long as you follow the notes added in parentheses, above).

Task stats



It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!