
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Follow the Taskmaster's orders

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Follow the Taskmaster's orders.

Most accurate wins.

Your time starts on Paul's whistle.

Task notes

  • Each contestant stands behind a plinth, wearing overalls.
  • On each plinth is: a small rubber duck, a table tennis ball, a set of keys, a pencil, and a small onion.
  • After Paul blows his whistle, Jeremy reads out the following instructions:
  • Put the duck in your left hip pocket.
  • Put the onion in your right chest pocket.
  • Hold the pencil in your right hand.
  • Put the ping-pong ball in your left chest pocket.
  • Put the keys in your right hip pocket.
  • Swap the item in your left pocket with the item in your right hand.
  • Swap over the two items in your chest pockets.
  • Return the item in your right hip pocket to the table, and hold the item from your left hip pocket in your left hand.
  • Put the item from your right chest pocket in your mouth, and the item from your right hip pocket into your left hip pocket.
  • Put the item from your left chest pocket in your right hand, and swap over the lightest item with the heaviest item.
  • Put the item on the table in your right chest pocket, and the item in your mouth in your left chest pocket.
  • And then, finally, put the item from your right hand into your right hip pocket, and then take each item from the pockets on your left side, and swap them with the item in the corresponding pocket on your right side.
  • If followed correctly, the contestants should have ended up with a pencil in their left hand, nothing in their right hand, a duck in their left chest pocket, keys in their right chest pocket, an onion in their left hip pocket, and a table tennis ball in their right hip pocket.

Task stats



Here's a brief description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on writing up some additional detail, though!

  • At the end, Chris had: a pencil in his left hand; a duck in his right hand; nothing in his left chest pocket; nothing in his right chest pocket; nothing in his lower left pocket; and keys, an onion and a ping-pong ball in his lower right pocket. As he had three things correct, he received 3 points.
  • At the end, Josh had: a duck in his left hand; nothing in his right hand; a ping-pong ball in his left chest pocket; a pencil in his right chest pocket; keys and an onion in his lower left pocket; and nothing in his lower right pocket. As he had three things correct, he received 3 points.
  • At the end, Justine had: a pencil in her left hand; a duck in his right hand; keys in her left chest pocket; a ping-pong ball in her right chest pocket; nothing in her lower left pocket; and an onion in her lower right pocket. As she had two things correct, she received 2 points.
  • At the end, Kura had: a pencil in her left hand; a duck in his right hand; nothing in her left chest pocket; an onion in her right chest pocket; keys in her lower left pocket; and a ping-pong ball in her lower right pocket. As she had three things correct, she received 3 points.
  • At the end, Paul had: a duck in his left hand; a pencil in his right hand; nothing in his left chest pocket; an onion and keys in his right chest pocket; nothing in her lower left pocket; and a ping-pong ball in her lower right pocket. As he had three things correct, he received 3 points.

(Source credit: Taskmaster Wiki contributors)