
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Pat Paul on the back

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The contestants find the task brief on a plinth in the middle of the path from the Taskmaster house to the dock. The brief for the task is as follows:

Pat Paul on the back.

Paul is on the balcony.

If Paul films you on his all-the-way zoomed-in camera, he will yell your name, and you must return to the mat and start again.

Every eight seconds, music will play for four seconds.

When the music plays, Paul must film his feet.

Fastest wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The contestants each wear a helmet to which a camera has been attached, to film their face, and a second camera is strapped to their chests, to film their viewpoint.
  • Paul is stationed on the balcony of the house, looking through the viewfinder of a video camera, and wearing an eyepatch over his other eye.

Task stats



Here's a brief description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on writing up some additional detail, though!

  • Chris just ran, getting caught a few times before he crawled towards the house. He managed to pat Paul on the back in 13 minutes and 9 seconds, receiving 3 points.
  • Josh just ran, getting caught a few times before he started ducking behind things. He managed to pat Paul on the back in 8 minutes and 45 seconds, receiving 5 points.
  • Justine just ran, managing to avoid Paul's camera a few times hiding behind some sticks and behind a pillar on the balcony. She managed to pat Paul on the back in 9 minutes and 24 seconds, receiving 4 points.
  • Kura kept getting caught, including once whilst she was on the balcony, before she decided to get in her car and drive to the front door as Paul couldn't see her in the car. She pat Paul on the back in 44 minutes and 1 seconds, receiving 1 point.
  • Paul kept getting caught so decided to take the ret mat with him, so if he was caught, he just had to stand on the red mat to carry on from where he left off. He pat Paul on the back in 22 minutes and 21 seconds, receiving 2 points.

(Source credit: Taskmaster Wiki contributors)