Put the watermelon on the table while completing secret tasks
Task types:
Multiple brief
Bonus points?
Task briefs
The secret task briefs are delivered to the contestants in separate locations: Steve and Joanne receive theirs in the dressing room; Nick receives his in the lab; Sophie receives hers in the kitchen; and John receives his on the stage in the garden. The teams’ task briefs are laid on the table in the living room. The briefs for the task are as follows:
To Nick and Sophie:
In the next task, you must say the word ‘umbrella’ five times.
If you say the word umbrella five times, and no-one else says the word umbrella, you get 2 bonus points.
Your team-mates must hear you say your ‘umbrella’s, and you must not mention the concept of a bonus task.
If you fail, you lose 2 points.
To Joanne and Steve:
In the next task, you must lie on the floor for 30 seconds.
If you lie on the floor for 30 seconds without anyone questioning why you’re lying on the floor, you get 2 bonus points.
If you fail, you lose 2 points.
To John:
In the next task, you must get something from the caravan, the shed, the hutch, and the toilet before the task is finished.
If you get something from all those places without anyone questioning why you're getting something from all those places, you get 2 bonus points.
If you fail, you lose 2 points.
To everyone:
Put the watermelon on this table.
The table may not be moved.
Once you leave this room, you may not re-enter this room.
Also, you may not step on the stage, and the watermelon may not touch the stage, floor, or ground.
Finally, you must speak into your hand-held microphones at all times.
Fastest wins.
Your time started when you said ‘hello’ for a fourth time.
Task notes
- Also on the table in the living room, there is a hand-held microphone for each contestant.
- As the teams enter the living room, Alex repeatedly greets them to encourage them to say hello four times in a row.
- The watermelon is waiting on top of a plinth on the stage in the garden.
Task stats
Click on the thumbnail images below to read a description of each attempt.