
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Hug your special friend

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is laid on a TM-branded circular red marker spot, in the middle of a field at Kennel Farm. The brief for the task is as follows:

Hug your special friend. Every time you touch a letter, you must turn it over, and one minute will be added to your time.

Fastest wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • Next to the marker spot, there are 45 sheets of A4 card laid out in a 9 x 5 grid on the ground, each featuring a seemingly random capital letter.
  • Items are hidden under some of the cards, including biscuits wrapped in cling film; a large ball of string, which happens to be as long as the distance between the contestants’ starting position and their ‘special friends’; a compass; a written clue painted on a pebble, pointing them in the direction of 250 degrees west; and a walkie-talkie (identical to one held by their ‘special friend’).
  • As the contestants turn the cards over, a pattern is revealed in the form of a red triangle against a green background. Along the left and right edges of this triangle, the letters printed on the other side of the cards reappear, spelling out the word ‘MANNEQUIN’.
  • The triangle is pointing directly towards the location where the contestants’ ‘special friends’ are hidden, behind some trees across the field.
  • The ‘special friends’ are the mannequins which the contestants brought to life in episode 8 of the series. This re-use of the mannequins is very reminiscent of how the contestants’ ‘best friends’ kept making reappearances in tasks during season 3 of Taskmaster NZ (reappearance 1, reappearance 2, reappearance 3).

Task stats
