
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Legally distinct wooden block game

Task types:
Multiple brief

Task briefs

The initial task brief is laid on top of a tower of wooden blocks on the lawn of the Taskmaster house. Further instructions are written on each of the wooden blocks. The briefs for the task are as follows:

Remove the blocks from the tower and place them back on top.

You must follow the instructions written on every block you remove.

Blocks must be removed one at a time.

Most blocks removed before the tower topples wins.

You have 20 minutes, or until the tower topples.

Your time starts now.

Give the next three blocks a name and introduce them to Paul.

Write a beautiful poem and read it out while removing the next block.

Barrel the camera as you remove the next block.

Sing a brand-new original song about removing blocks.

The next block may only be pushed.

The next block you remove must be yellow.

Remove the next block with your feet.

The next block you remove must be orange.

Pat yourself on the back before removing the next block.

Remove the next block while standing at least 1 metre away.

Remove the next block while repeatedly doing high kicks.

Remove the next block standing on one leg.

Remove the next block wearing a blindfold.

Freeze for 20 seconds while halfway through removing the next block.

Remove the next block while standing at least 2 metres away.

Bribe Paul to do the next block for you.

The next block you remove must be green.

Put this block back where you found it.

Task notes

  • Paul is sat on an exercise ball next to a tower of wooden blocks, which are coloured in red, orange, and green, and stacked four-abreast, in layers of alternating orientation.
  • Paul also has a briefcase next to him on the ground, which contains items including a hand-held mirror, an oven mitt, a notebook and pen, and a tennis ball.
  • Each of the wooden blocks has instructions written on it, which the contestants must obey.

Task stats



It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!