Fill a tray with things beginning with a letter you chose

Task types:

Task briefs
The briefs for the task are as follows:
Say a letter of the alphabet.
You have 10 seconds.
Your time starts now.
To Ed:
Ha, ha, ha.
You must now pick a letter of the alphabet and say that letter out loud.
Put the most things beginning with the letter you just said on this tray.
The tray may not leave Alex, and Alex may not leave the lab.
Most things beginning with the letter you just said on the tray in five minutes from now wins.
Task notes
It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!
Official task video
Task stats


Here's a brief description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on writing up some additional detail, though!
- David chose the letter Q. Rather than trying to find items beginning with Q (such as the quiches, quail's eggs, and Quavers that had been put in the kitchen just in case), David instead claimed that he pronounced and spelt a lot of words with a 'Q' at the start. He was only allowed 'Quoffee', which he claimed was what Americans called coffee.
- Ed's first response to being told to say a letter of the alphabet was to say "A letter of the alphabet." After being given the rephrased task, he chose the letter D. He tried to pass cups as 'drink receptacles' and the task brief as a 'dask', as well as putting other items like dinner plates, disposable gloves and his 'diabetes equipment'. If he had been allowed 'drink receptacles', he would have put 111 things on the tray, which still wouldn't have been sufficient to lift him out of fourth place.
- Jo chose the letter B. She spent most of her time gathering her items, then put them all on the tray in the last minute. She collected 136 things, including bananas, a bin, and her bag.
- Katy chose the letter B. She made multiple trips, returning every time she found something beginning with her letter. She managed to get 168 things on the tray, including biscuits, bananas, and birthday candles.
- Rose chose the letter P. She only put things on the tray that definitely started with the letter P, refusing to include newspaper as it began with an N, and discarding a pipe after deciding it was more of a tube. She put 306 things on the tray, including peas, petals, paper, and Pimm's.
(Source credit: Taskmaster Wiki contributors)