
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Make the scales read exactly a given weight

Task types:
Single brief

Task briefs

The briefs for the task are as follows:

To everyone:

Say a letter from the alphabet.

You have 10 seconds.

To Jakob:

Make the scale weigh 12,000 grams.

Use only things starting with the letter 'L'.

Most accurate wins.

You have 10 minutes.

Your time starts now.

To Anders:

Make the scale weigh 1,000 grams.

Use only things starting with the letter 'A'.

Most accurate wins.

You have 10 minutes.

Your time starts now.

To Mahamad:

Make the scale weigh 18,000 grams.

Use only things starting with the letter 'R'.

Most accurate wins.

You have 10 minutes.

Your time starts now.

To Annika:

Make the scale weigh 1,000 grams.

Use only things starting with the letter 'A'.

Most accurate wins.

You have 10 minutes.

Your time starts now.

To Neel:

Make the scale weigh 11,000 grams.

Use only things starting with the letter 'K'.

Most accurate wins.

You have 10 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • Annika's attempt at this task is accepted based on the wording of the task brief, which states that the contestants should make the scales 'weigh' a certain amount, rather than specifying that they should make the scale read-out display a certain weight.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Jakob’s chosen letter is L, and his required weight is 12,000g / 12kg. Jakob starts listing things that start with L, eventually landing on cargo bike [“ladcykel”]. He sources a bike from one of the neighbours and places it on the scale, estimating that it weighs between 7-8kg. Jakob also adds a lava lamp and a litre of yogurt to the scale. Jakob’s items actually weigh 42.6kg, a full 30.6kg over his goal weight. Jakob comes last.
  • Mahamad’s chosen letter is R, and his required weight is 18,000g/18kg. He immediately runs to the shed and pulls out a snow shovel. When he asks Mark to name the snow shovel [“sneskovl”], Mahamad replies that it’s actually just a tool [“redskab”]. Using this logic, Mahamad grabs plenty of tools (shovels, a leaf blower, a tool box, etc) from the shed and places them on the scale. Mahamad’s items actually weigh 25.5kg, 7.5kg over his goal weight. Mahamad earns fourth place.
  • Neel’s chosen letter is K, and her required weight is 11,000g/11kg. Her first thought is potatoes [“kartofler”], so she goes to find some. While wandering around searching for other K-items, she looks at the camera [“kamera”] following her, and asks the cameraman if she can borrow it. For fun, she films Mark for a bit; the footage is blurry, and in the studio, Mark is shot in the same blurry manner as a joke. Neel guesses that the weight of the camera as well as the potatoes is close to 11kg. Neel’s items weigh 9.3kg, leaving her 1.7kg from her goal weight. Neel earns third place.
  • Anders' chosen letter is A, and his required weight is 1,000g/1kg. Anders wonders aloud what would fit the parameters of the task, and decides on oranges [“appelsiner”]. He goes into the kitchen to find some. However, what he finds instead is are bottles of water – the brand of which is Apollinaris. This is a huge help for Anders, because the weight of the product is actually written on the bottle – each bottle contains 50cL/500g of water. Anders also realises that he needs to drink a bit of the water to account for the weight of the bottles, and does so before placing both bottles on the scale. Anders' Apollinaris bottles weigh 980g, leaving him 20g from his goal weight. Anders earns second place.
  • Annika’s chosen letter is A, and her required weight is 1,000g/1kg. Annika reinterprets the task wording by bringing in a second scale – one that actually has a visible weight display – then picks up the target scale and holds it on the second scale until the second scale reads 1kg. Annika wins the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)