
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Impress the Ambassador

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Impress the ambassador.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • This entire task is conducted in English. It takes place in Ambassador Ahmad Farooq’s office, in the actual embassy of Pakistan.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • After walking around the Ambassador’s waiting room for a bit pondering what to do, Mahamad decides to use a party trick of his to impress the Ambassador. He asks the Ambassador for his mobile phone. Mahamad tosses the phone into the air and catches it on his foot. He then kicks the phone into his air, ducking under it and causing it to land safely in between his shoulder blades. He catches the phone as it slides down his back and returns it to the Ambassador. In the studio, Mahamad reveals that although he looked calm and collected in the footage, he was incredibly nervous, especially as he hadn’t actually told the Ambassador what he’d planned to do with the phone before doing it. Lasse asks how accurate Mahamad is with the trick, before offering his own mobile phone for Mahamad to repeat the feat in the studio. Mahamad fails to catch the phone twice before finally doing the trick successfully on his third try. The Ambassador awards Mahamad second place.
  • Before the task attempts are shown, Lasse notices that all of the contestants are uncomfortable and asks if anyone wishes that the task not be shown. Neel immediately jumps at the opportunity; Mark later counters that her attempt is actually his favourite of all of them. Neel tells the Ambassador that she does not believe she’s good at anything, before revealing that she has one weird thing she’s able to do – she makes herself burp repeatedly. Unfortunately, once she starts, she isn’t able to stop burping at will, and just has to burp all of the air out of her system. Embarrassed, Neel leaves the Ambassador’s office. In the studio, Lasse asks Neel to replicate her trick; she does, reluctantly. The Ambassador awards Neel third place.
  • Clearly at a loss for ideas, Jakob attempts the old “remove the tip of your thumb” illusion, presumably as a joke and not as an actual attempt. Jakob asks if it would be impressive if he broke into the office; the Ambassador replies that breaking in would be very difficult to do, as the embassy has excellent security measures. Finally, Jakob decides to impress the Ambassador by lifting something heavy; namely, he carries Mark on his back. Pretending that his attempt is over, Jakob leaves the office and attempts to scale one of the embassy’s fences before he is pulled down by a security guard and escorted away. The Ambassador awards Jakob last place.
  • Anders' attempt is a bit confusing, as it’s mainly just a conversation with the Ambassador. He tells the Ambassador to pull up an episode of Natholdet (Anders' television show) on his computer, before showing a clip of Danish celebrity Chili Klaus (known for eating incredibly hot peppers). He then suggests that perhaps the Ambassador’s wife (an English teacher) would like a job on Natholdet. In the studio, Anders says that important context was cut out of his attempt; namely, that during their conversation, Anders learned that the Ambassador had only been in the country for three weeks, and Anders had decided to impress him by helping him integrate culturally – inviting him to a party, showing him some Danish humour. The Ambassador awards Anders fourth place.
  • As Annika is a singer-songwriter, she quickly decides to write the Ambassador a song. After asking him a few questions about things he likes, she sits down and writes him a personalised song (which includes an introduction to a new friend for him; namely, Mark – but unfortunately makes no reference to the fact that the Ambassador’s favourite movie is Pretty Woman). She also tells the Ambassador that if the song does not impress him, she can fit her entire fist in her mouth. The translated lyrics are as follows: "Welcome to Denmark / Hope you had a nice start / That the Danes really opened your heart / This is my friend Mark / You like Pakistani food, that’s nice! / Meat and rice and lots of spice / You like spaghetti with clams / Mark really likes ham / You have been a diplomat / In Rome, New York, and I like that! / This ukulele is really flat / And sometimes Mark he likes to wear a hat." After the song, Annika once again offers to put her fist in her mouth; the Ambassador tells her that the song is enough. While Lasse does not ask Annika to perform her fist in mouth trick, she does actually do it in the studio in Episode 3 after a call-back to this task. The Ambassador awards Annika first place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)