
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Find something or something that looks like you

  • In this task the contestants have to find or photograph something (or someone) which closely resembles them.

Original version

Task types:

In this homework version of the task, the contestants have until the studio record to find an object which resembles them.

Adapted versions

In this homework version of the task, the contestants have until the studio record to take a photo of an object which resembles them.
In this homework version of the task, the contestants have until the studio record to find someone or something which resembles them.
In this live studio version of the task, the contestants have to quickly find people in the audience who resemble themselves.
In this version of the task, the contestants have until the studio recording for episode eight to find their doppelgangers, who then appear on stage with them.
In this live studio version of the task, the contestants have cameras attached to their chests, and are let loose into the audience to find either their own doppelganger, or one for one of the other contestants or the hosts. The selected audience members are then brought on stage with paper bags on their heads, and revealed one-by-one.
In this homework version of the task, the contestants have until the studio record to find their doppelganger.