
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Surprise memory test

  • In this task the contestants enter a room in which a selection of seemingly random objects are strung from the ceiling, and the Taskmaster's assistant makes some seemingly random statements.
  • The contestants are instructed to read the first task brief once the Taskmaster's assistant has left the room.
  • The second task brief, read once they have reunited with the Taskmaster's assistant in another location, asks them to recall not only the objects which were hanging from the ceiling, but the things that were said by the assistant.

Original version

In this version of the task, all of the objects hanging from the ceiling are connected with the board game Cluedo. The contestants have to join Alex in the caravan within two minutes of reading the first task brief. They also have to try to recall the colour of the board from which the objects hung.


In this version of the task, there is no apparent connecting theme to all of the objects hanging from the ceiling, and the contestants are not asked to recall the colour of the structure from which they hang. Also, the contestants aren't told specifically where Olli is on the grounds of the house, giving them even less time to think about memorising the objects. Finally, it does not appear that all of the objects are written on the back of the task brief, as they are in other versions of this task.
In this version of the task, all of the objects are in some way connected with Christmas, and they are hanging from a ceiling-mounted wagon wheel (the colour of which the contestants are asked to recall). The contestants are first instructed to join Mark in the playhouse within two minutes of his arrival.
In this version of the task, not all of the items to be remembered are hanging from the ceiling, and Pilvi is not present in the room at the start, so the contestants do not have to recall anything she said or did. Also, Pilvi’s location is not given to the contestants, but they are also not given a time limit to find her. Finally, there is no rule prohibiting the contestants from returning to the lab.
In this version of the task, there is no obvious thematic connection between all of the items hanging from the board in the lab, though many of them are the same as in the original (which was themed around the board game Cluedo). Some of the contestants are instructed to meet Antoine outside, while others meet him inside (presumably due to bad weather). Also, the full list of items is not written on the back of the second task brief.