
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Draw a portrait of the Taskmaster across a flipchart

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Draw a portrait of the Taskmaster using 16 A1-sized pages.

You may not remove the sheets from the flipchart pad during the time you are drawing.

After you complete the task, the A1-sized pages will be displayed following the pattern shown on the first page.

You may only draw on the sheets provided, and you must use all 16 of them.

The best portrait wins.

You have 20 minutes.

Your times starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Inês draws a grid on the actual task, and outlines what she intends to draw on the paper (which at first glance appears to be Vasco with a large set of breasts, but is probably meant to be Vasco with his hands on his hips). She declares that she doesn’t really understand what she’s supposed to be doing, but she’s going to try anyway. When her drawing is revealed in the studio, all of the facial features are out of order, and she only drew on most of the sheets of paper. Vasco awards Inês third place.
  • Inês draws her intended picture on the numeric reference grid. For the majority of the footage, Inês seems confident in what she’s doing, though she does declare at one point that she messed up. When her drawing is revealed in the studio, all of the facial features are out of order, and she only drew on most of the sheets of paper. She did write a message on one of the sheets: “I didn’t have time for the rest, but the Taskmaster is beautiful.” Vasco awards Inês fourth place.
  • Jessica gets a reference portrait of Vasco from somewhere in the house, and draws her intended picture on the numeric reference grid. Near the end of her time, Jessica removes the papers from the easel so she can draw on the ground (and also bemoan that she has messed up her drawing) – and promptly knocks over the easel. When her drawing is revealed in the studio, all of the facial features are out of order, and she only drew on most of the sheets of paper. Vasco awards Jessica last place.
  • Gilmário has no faith in his artistic ability (or perhaps is unable to wrap his mind around what the thing he’s supposed to draw needs to look like), as evidenced by the fact that he spends the majority of his time rambling about art and the importance of preparation, while constantly hesitating to actually put pen to paper. He does tear off the numeric reference grid, so he doesn’t have to constantly shuffle between pages. When his drawing is revealed in the studio, Gilmário appears to have only drawn on two or three of the pieces of paper before running out of time. After deliberating, Vasco awards Gilmário second place, as at least the parts that were drawn (namely, a forehead and two eyes) were orientated correctly when the drawing was put together.
  • Not much is shown of Toy drawing, but when Nuno asks at the end of his time what he thought of his picture, Toy declares it to be a “pile of shit”. When his drawing is revealed in the studio, Toy’s is the only drawing that even vaguely resembles a human being – he is definitely the contestant who most understood the numeric reference grid (though a few mistakes were still made). Vasco awards Toy first place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)