
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Ducks in buckets

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

End up with the most duck-filled bucket.

At the start, peek inside your bucket, and say aloud the number of ducks within.

You do not have to tell the truth.

You will all have one turn each to either keep your bucket, or swap with another player.

If a swap occurs, both players will need to state again the number of ducks within their new buckets.

The bucket with the most ducks at the end wins.

You may peek inside your bucket when instructed by Paul.

Task notes

  • Each contestant stands behind a plinth upon which is a small bucket with a lid (possibly a paint can).
  • Chief task writer Sam Smith shared on Twitter that he had not been aware of Kongen Befaler's 'Carrots in boxes' task when this one was created, but he acknowledged (after watching it) that the game was essentially the same. He also shared that he was familiar with the 'Carrot in a box' game used on 8 Out of 10 Cats, and noted that the task, as written for Taskmaster NZ, had originally been 'bigger', but had been 'scaled down' to how it ended up in the episode.

Task stats



Here's a brief description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on writing up some additional detail, though!

  • Chris started with a bucket containing 2 ducks, then swapped his bucket with Josh's to have the bucket with 5 ducks, before Paul swapped his bucket with Chris's so he then had 1 duck. As Chris ended up with 1 duck in his bucket, he received 1 point.
  • Josh started with a bucket containing 5 ducks, then Chris swapped his bucket with Josh so he then had 2 ducks. As Josh ended up with 2 ducks in his bucket, he received 2 points.
  • Justine started with a bucket containing 4 ducks, then swapped his bucket with Kura's to have the bucket with 3 ducks. As Justine ended up with 3 ducks in his bucket, he received 3 points.
  • Kura started with a bucket containing 3 ducks, then Justine swapped her bucket with Kura, so she then had 4 ducks. As Kura ended up with 4 ducks in his bucket, he received 4 points.
  • Paul started with a bucket containing 1 duck, then swapped his bucket with Chris's to have the bucket with 5 points. As Paul ended up with 5 ducks in his bucket, he received 5 points.

(Source credit: Taskmaster Wiki contributors)