
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Make an alarm system for the Taskmaster’s mansion

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is taped to a photo collage of Jaakko in the entrance hall of the mansion. The brief for the task is as follows:

Make an alarm system for the Taskmaster’s mansion.

You have 15 minutes, after which Pilvi will try to enter the mansion unnoticed.

Best system wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • There are two entrances to the mansion: the main entrance, with a small, enclosed porch area between two sets of double doors; and a regular double door at the side of the mansion which leads into one of the other rooms.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Eija searches the kitchen for pots and pans, before searching the shed for other noisy objects. She hangs the pots and pans from a string, and stretches the string across the span of one of the side doors. She then takes a large windchime that she finds in the shed, and tapes it to the main doors, hiding the windchime behind a solid part of the doors so that Pilvi will not see it from outside. However, the strings holding the windchime in place remain visible in the top windows of the double doors. Pilvi approaches the side doors and spies the pots and pans, abandoning the door as she decides the set-up may be too risky to attempt. She moves to the main doors and, despite spotting the strings in the window, does not see the windchimes. She carefully attempts to open the main doors, but stops when she hears the windchimes clinking. She then returns the side doors, and very carefully steps over the pots and pans, successfully infiltrating the house. Jaakko awards Eija third place.
  • Pirjo runs to the shed, in search of noisy objects. She strings several small bells onto a long piece of string, and tapes it on one of the main double doors, making sure that it cannot be seen from the outside. She also balances a few ping pong balls on the top edge of one of the doors. She then gaffer-tapes a bowl of small unidentified objects to the base of the side doors. We are never shown the rest of Pirjo’s plan for the side doors, nor do we see Pilvi assessing those doors. Pilvi looks through the windows of the main doors, and sees what she believes is Pirjo’s only precaution: a bowling pin at the base of the door, which would fall over when the door is opened. Pirjo has strategically placed the task brief itself against one of the door’s lower window panes, to obscure the rest of her set-up. Acknowledging that there are likely more items guarding the door, but apparently believing that the carpet will muffle the sound of the bowling pin, Pilvi tries to enter through the main doors. As she opens the door, the bowling pin falls onto a tambourine, sounding the alarm, and the ping pong balls also fall onto Pilvi’s head. Likely presuming the alarm is over, Pilvi then continues to open the door, causing the bells on the string to start jingling. She also knocks over a bucket of items that Pirjo had left next to the door. Even though she stops in the doorway, Pilvi technically infiltrates the house. Jaakko awards Pirjo first place.
  • Fathi searches the shed, musing that he wants his alarm system to be sound-related. He gathers some noisy objects, as well as a bucket. He applies several small bells to what looks like a strip of flypaper, and attaches the flypaper across the side doors. As Fathi applies this strip to the wood of the doors and not the windows, the bells are not visible from outside. He attaches a tambourine to one of the doorknobs of the main doors, but leaves the doors open just a little bit so that he can balance a bucket of water on top of them. Pilvi examines the side doors, but is unable to see the small bells. She decides to check the main doors, as the side doors appear “too easy”. Pilvi spots the bucket, and is able to carefully remove it from the top of the doors, though she struggles to keep it balanced on the tips of her fingers and nearly drops it. She successfully infiltrates the house, and Jaakko awards Fathi fourth place.
  • Kalle runs to the shed, and immediately spies a large net. He decides he wants to go for the “classic”. He grabs the net, a bag of ping pong balls, and a bucket filled with noisy items (such as a large chain), and returns to the house. He balances the bag of ping pong balls on top of the side doors, calling the move a “classic one”. He then ties a few pots and pans to one of the doorknobs of the main doors, and readies a few spit-balls for when Pilvi arrives. Pilvi checks out the main doors, and spots the pots and pans, quickly deciding to move on to the side doors. She notices the bag of ping pong balls above the side doors, and is able to remove it. However, this distracts her from noticing Kalle, standing just inside the room. He announces that she has been caught, and blows a spit-ball at her, before capturing her in the large net. Jaakko awards Kalle joint second place, but then deducts a point, explaining that because his alarm system relies on Kalle actually being present, he does not believe that it would always be effective.
  • Jukka retrieves a large chain, a tambourine, a bag of ping pong balls, some string, and a few bowling pins from the shed. He suspends the tambourine above the main doors, so that the edge of it just touches the top of the doors, and making it difficult to remove from the outside. He debates putting one of the bowling pins up on the door as well, but decides against it, for safety reasons. Instead, he decides to leave the bowling pin in clear view on the floor, “as a warning to Pilvi”. Jukka gaffer-tapes the bag of ping pong balls above the side doors, using a strip of the tape to create a sort of “quick release” trigger so that, when the door is opened, the bag will be pulled open, dropping ping pong balls on the intruder. He also drapes the chain around the side door’s doorknob. Pilvi assesses the main door, and decides not to attempt to enter there. She then checks out the side door, and opens it when she does not see anything. This triggers the release mechanism on the ping pong balls, though the majority of them completely miss her. Pilvi successfully infiltrates the house, and Jaakko awards Jukka joint second place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)